Kevin Weng homepage

Kevin Weng

Associate Professor

Email: [[kevinweng]]
Phone: (804) 684-7372
Office: Nunnally Hall 131
Section: Natural Resources

Lab Website
Weng Lab 
  • Ph.D., Biology: Stanford University, Stanford, CA 
  • MSc, Oceanography: University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 
  • BA, Geology: Williams College, Williamstown, MA 

I am interested in how the world’s oceans will respond to major perturbations of the anthropocene – enormous removals of fish biomass, coupled with warming, stratification, deoxygenation and acidification – and how we should be managing ocean resources. My work is structured around a series of broad questions. Where do animals live, and how will they redistribute in the future? What are their habitats, and where are these habitats headed? At what scales should we manage them? How can they help us answer these questions? 

Lab Alumni
  • Dr. Martin Pedersen - Postdoctoral Scholar 
    • Spatial ecology and geolocation of marine vertebrates
  • Dr. Tim Sippel - Postdoctoral Scholar 
    • Biology of pelagic fishes
  • Christina Comfort - MSc 2012
    • Biology of deep water sharks
  • Danielle Garcia - Undergraduate
  • Chase Roberts - Undergraduate