Faculty Clearance/Sign-Out


PURPOSE to ensure that any full-time or part-time instructional, administrative, or professional faculty member, including post-doctoral fellows, terminating his or her employment with William & Mary (W&M) has satisfied any obligations to the college and has the information and assistance necessary to facilitate a smooth transition.

POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of W&M that a faculty member who terminates his or her employment with the university will return all property, pay all fees and fines, and/or complete all assignments due the university prior to departure.  Faculty will verify that all obligations have been met by completing an on-line clearance process.  Faculty who retire from the university as Emeriti have a continuing connection and will be permitted to retain their college ID card, E-mail account, library privileges, and parking privileges (contingent on clearing any unpaid fines).  They may, with the knowledge and consent of the Chair of their home department or Dean, retain a key to appropriate working areas of the Department or School and may, for mutually agreed-upon professional reasons, continue to have photocopying, stationary, mail, and other privileges.  Such privileges are subject to periodic review by the Chair or Dean based on availability of unit resources for faculty, staff, and students.

PROCEDURES Tenure-eligible, tenured, or specified term faculty serving for at least one academic year shall be informed in writing at least several months in advance of his or her termination date of the requirement to observe this clearance policy.  Responsibility for conveying this information lies with the faculty member’s Chair, Program Director, or Dean or immediate supervisor in the case of administrative and professional faculty. Part-time or semester-only faculty shall be provided this policy at the time of employment.

 The faculty member should submit a formal letter of resignation/retirement to the supervisor and copy the finance officer/business manager. The faculty member’s supervisor is responsible for initiating the clearance process. Faculty members with joint appointments or having faculty privileges in more than one department, program, or school must obtain clearance from all units as appropriate.

If a faculty member leaves the university without completing the clearance process, the Office of the Provost will take appropriate action, which might include withholding a portion or all of the faculty member’s final paycheck at issue or, in the case of a retiring faculty member, withholding certain privileges of emeritus status.

INTERPRETATION AND REVISION OF POLICY:  The Office of the Provost interprets this policy.  Any changes to this policy shall be made pursuant to the procedure for amendments contained in Section IV of the Faculty Handbook.

Approved by the Faculty Assembly, October 28, 2006
Rev.:               April 27, 2016
Updated.:        March, 2021

last page update: March 11, 2024 by LCS