Susan Lowerre-Barbieri

Ph.D. '93

Current Position: Research Biologist at The Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
VIMS Advisor: Dr. Mark Chittenden

Alumni Profile

It’s been nearly three decades since Dr. Susan Lowerre-Barbieri returned from serving with the United States Peace Corps, but the experiences gained during her time in Senegal, West Africa continue to influence her research today.

A 1993 graduate of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Lowerre-Barbieri has since 1999 held a position as a research biologist at The Fish and Wildlife Research Institute the research division of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. With current research focusing on reproductive resilience in marine populations,Lowerre-Barbieri says her interest in understanding drivers of productivity  started in Africa and has continued since returning to America 28 years ago.

A graduate of the University of Virginia, Lowerre-Barbieri did not immediately enroll at VIMS after completing her undergraduate degree. With a deep interest in traveling and African wildlife, she joined the Peace Corps and patiently waited until there was an opening in Africa. When the opportunity finally presented itself, she packed her bags for the small village of Walli Jalla and set out to teach its people how to grow fish in the desert.

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