Amy Nicholson homepage

Amy Nicholson

M.A. Student

Email: [[v|alnicholson]]
Phone: (804) 684-7437
Office: Davis 207C
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Advisors: {{,Carl T. Friedrichs}} and {{,Molly Mitchell}}

Research Interests
Accessibility in STEM education, current STEM curriculum inclusivity, successful community outreach tactics, ecosystem functional diversity, functional diversity shifts with climate change
B.A. Environmental Studies and Theatre Arts, Augustana College, 2022

Amy is a first year M.A. student focusing on education and outreach.  She is specifically interested in accessibility and inclusivity in outreach, especially in areas with underrepresented populations.  She is currently working with the Center for Coastal Resources Management doing outreach and communications work, including running their social media and interacting with the local community. 

Amy graduated with a B.A. from Augustana College where she majored in Environmental Studies and Theatre Arts and minored in Geology and Geography.  In her undergraduate career, her research focused on the functional diversity of riparian zones in the Upper Mississippi, as well as community perspectives on the health and maintenance of those watersheds.  She has had experiences as an educator in various settings, including Project Oceanology, Delaware State Parks, and the Niabi Zoo.  Throughout her graduate career, she hopes to strengthen her knowledge of marine science while honing in on her skills as an educator and communicator.  Ultimately, she hopes that she can inspire others to care about their local marine environments for years to come.