P.G. Ross
Senior Marine Scientist
Education Center
Natural Resources
Eastern Shore Laboratory
- 1991 B. S., Virginia Tech
- 1994 M.S., Auburn University
Professional Experience
2001-present: Senior Marine Scientist, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
2013-2015: Acting Director, Eastern Shore Laboratory, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
1998-2001: Research Specialist, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
1996-1998: Environmental Health Specialist, Virginia Dept. of Health
1995-1996: Wildlife Biologist, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
Selected Publications and Reports
Jawad, W.A.; Kruger-Hadfield, S.A.; and Ross, P.G. (2021). A subtropical nudibranch, Polycera hummi (Abbott 1952), described for the first time from Virginia. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(2), N15-N23. doi: 10.1656/045.028.0211
Ross, P. G., & Snyder, R. A. (2021). Ecological Monitoring Program at VIMS ESL: Annual report 2020. VIMS Eastern Shore Laboratory Technical Report No. 8. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. https://doi.org/10.25773/3a2z-ek23
Snyder, R. A., & Ross, P. G. (2021) Surface water nitrogen attenuation from the Accomack County, VA southern landfill groundwater discharge - Final report. VIMS Eastern Shore Laboratory Technical Report No. 6. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. https://doi.org/10.25773/BPVD-RT36
Whalen, M. A.; Whippo, R.D. B.; Stachowicz, J. J.; (...); Ross, P.G.; and et al, (2020), Climate drives the geography of marine consumption by changing predator communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(45), 28160-28166.
Ross, P. G., & Synder, R. A. (2020) Ecological Monitoring Program at VIMS ESL - Annual Report 2018-2019. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. https://scholarworks.wm.edu/reports/2090
Kellogg, M. L., Ross, P. G., & Paynter, K. (2019) Oyster reef ecosystem services: Macrofauna utilization of restored oyster reefs - Harris Creek, Maryland, USA. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. https://doi.org/10.25773/p8mc-qv37
Kellogg, M. L., Ross, P. G., Pant, M., Dreyer, J. C., Birch, A., Fate, S., & Smith, E. (2019) Oyster reef ecosystem services: Finfish utilization and trophic linkages Harris Creek, Maryland, USA. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. doi: 10.25773/2pph-j688
Snyder, R. A., & Ross, P. G. (2019) Water Quality in Southern Accomack County Watersheds. VIMS Eastern Shore Laboratory Technical Report No.2. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. https://doi.org/10.25773/cmm4-m650
Kellogg, M. L., Ross, P. G., Luckenbach, M., Dreyer, J. C., Pant, M., Birch, A., Fate, S., Smith, E., & Paynter, K. (2016) Integrated assessment of oyster reef ecosystem services: Fish and crustacean utilization and trophic linkages. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. http://doi.org/10.21220/V5V88X
Marshall, H., G. Skomal, P.G. Ross and D. Bernal. (2015) At-vessel and post-release mortality of the dusky (Carcharhinus obscurus) and sandbar (C. plumbeus) sharks after longline capture. Fisheries Research. 172:373-384.
Kellogg, M. L., Cornwell, J. C., Owens, M. S., Luckenbach, M., Ross, P. G., & Leggett, T. A. (2014) Scaling Ecosystem Services to Reef Development: Effects of oyster density on nitrogen removal and reef community structure. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. http://doi.org/10.21220/V5G013
Gruszynski, K., S. Pao, C. Kim, D. Toney, K. Wright, P.G. Ross, A. Colon, and S. Levine. (2014) Evaluating wildlife as a potential source of Salmonella serotype Newport (JJPX01.0061) contamination for tomatoes on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Zoonoses and Public Health. 61(3):202-207.
Kellogg, M. L., Luckenbach, M., Cornwell, J. C., Ross, P. G., & Lusk, B. (2014) Linking structural and functional characteristics of restored oyster reefs: A Restoration Project in the Virginia Coast Reserve. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary. http://doi.org/10.21220/V5KS3Q
Ross, P.G. and M. W. Luckenbach. (2009) Distribution, habitat characteristics, prey abundance and diet of surf scoters (Melanitta perspicillata) and long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) in polyhaline wintering habitats in the mid-Atlantic region: a comparison of shallow coastal lagoons and Chesapeake Bay environs. Final report submitted to Sea Duck Joint Venture (USFWS).85 pp.
Ross, P.G. and M. W. Luckenbach. (2009) Population assessment of Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in the seaside coastal bays. Final report submitted to NOAA-Va Coastal Zone Management Program. 101 pp.
Luckenbach, M., P. Ross, A. Birch, and A. Curry. (2008) Evaluating the relationship between impervious surfaces within watersheds and coastal water quality on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. Final report submitted to NOAA-Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program. 101 pp.
Luckenbach, M.W., L.D. Coen, P.G. Ross and J.A. Stephen, (2005), Oyster reef habitat restoration: relationships between oyster abundance and community development based on two studies in Virginia and South Carolina, J. of Coastal Research, Special Issue (40):64-78.
O’Beirn, F.X., P.G. Ross and M.W. Luckenbach, (2004), A review of organisms associated with oysters cultured in floating systems in Virginia, USA, J. of Shellfish Res. 23(3):825-830.
Luckenbach, M. and P. Ross. (2003). An experimental evaluation of the effects of scale on oyster reef restoration. Final report submitted to Virginia Sea Grant Consortium. 106 pp.
Nestlerode, J.A., M.W. Luckenbach, P.G. Ross and F.X. O’Beirn, (2003), Abstract: Influence of oyster reef structure on fish assemblages: does the placement of artificial substrate enhance transient fish populations? J. of Shellfish Res., 22(1).
Ross, P., T. Murray and M. Luckenbach, (2003), Fisheries resource grants in Virginia: supporting the development of oyster aquaculture, World Aquaculture Magazine, 34(2):10-13.
Ross, P.G., F. X. O’Beirn and M.W. Luckenbach, (2001), Abstract: Comparison of oyster (Crassostrea virginica) culture nursery and grow-out techniques, J. of Shellfish Res., 20(1).