Organizational Design Information

This serves as a reference for items related to the new VIMS organizational design, effective July 1, 2023. Last updated on 11.30.2023.

Email from Dean & Director Aday

Hello VIMS Community, 

As you know, our organizational design changes will be effective July 1, the first day of the new fiscal year. After countless hours of planning and implementation we’re close to launch! We’ve now finalized new section assignments, appointed section chairs, reorganized financial and HR systems, and established new positions to provide requested administrative support. Some additional specifics:

  • On July 1, certain areas of our website will update to reflect the new sections.
  • We are currently recruiting three new positions.  We expect the Staffing Administrative Coordinator (the person who will help you with hiring and personnel actions) to be filled soon, and the following two positions are currently posted: VIMS Travel/Purchasing Coordinator (one of the people who will assist with Chrome River and travel-related purchasing) and the Procure to Pay Specialist (one of the people who will help you with purchasing). We will provide additional information about these positions once they are hired.

In anticipation of the changes effective July 1, this email serves two functions:

It consolidates updates. You’ve received many updates over the last several months as the organizational redesign process has moved forward. Below my signature you’ll find a list of folks responsible for specific administrative functions and an updated diagram with new section chairs and financial officers. These are also posted on the VIMS intranet here. The intranet will be updated if/when responsibilities change (e.g., when we are joined by a new Staffing Administrative Coordinator). 

It offers another opportunity to ask questions. I recognize that new questions about our organizational structure may arise as we move forward, so I want to provide another avenue for questions from the community. Please use this form to ask your questions by July 15. My team will review inbound questions and prepare a Frequently Asked Questions document that will be distributed by email and posted on the intranet by the end of July.

Thank you for all that you’ve done to help us get to this point!  I am confident that the changes we have undertaken will position us well to successfully meet our mission in the years to come.  

D. Derek Aday

Dean and Director 

Single column table for formatting purposes
Human Resources
Staffing Support

For the following needs, all sections and units should contact Gretchen Arndt, the Staffing Administrative Coordinator, at [[v|staffing]].

  • Personnel Action Forms (PAFs) – update a leave status, extend temporary employment, provide a bonus, provide moving and relocation stipend (For reference, a list of actions that are completed using a PAF can be found here.)
  • Complete I9 verification for new employees on their first day
  • Change a timesheet approver and/or supervisor (If you prefer, you can initiate supervisor and timesheet approver changes here.)
    Initiate the clearance process for an employee leaving VIMS (If you prefer, you can initiate the clearance form here).
  • Initiate a recruitment action or classification/compensation review in People Admin (For your reference, a guide to create or update a position is available here.)
  • Initiate a hiring proposal for a position finalist (For your reference, a staff hiring guide is available here.)
  • Post a position once approved (Hiring Officials will continue to receive an email from University HR with posting questions once the position is approved, and will return the answers to askHR, but Gretchen will be the one posting the position.)
Human Resources Consulting

To access HR advice and counsel on policy & procedure, non-routine or complex HR questions, performance management, workforce planning, career paths & employee development, talent acquisition strategies, employee retention, class & comp strategies, organizational development, and process improvement, all sections and units should contact [[v|bmzoll,Bethany Zoll]].

University Human Resources

For questions about benefits, retirement, leave/medical, employment verification, and other general HR transactions, all sections and units should email [[w|askhr,W&M Human Resources]].

  • To make a purchase, contact:
    • [[v|knbirch,Kelsey Birch]] (Ecosystem Health)
    • [[v|maflewellyn,Melissa Flewellyn]] (Natural Resources)
    • [[v|elcook,Libby Cook]] (Coastal & Ocean Processes)
    • [[v|cjbirch,Carol Birch]] (Administrative Units)
  • To initiate an RFP or have a contract signed, contact [[v|dzoll,Dave Zoll]].
  • Tell vendors to email invoices to [[v|adminservices]].

The following units have their own business managers: Facilities, Marine Operations, Eastern Shore Lab, CBNERR, Sea Grant. Contact your business manager for financial, procurement, and travel needs.


For the following needs, all sections and administrative units should contact [[v|maxine,Maxine Butler]].

  • To purchase airline tickets, rental cards, and/or pay registration fees
  • To complete a travel reimbursement (note: travelers are required to complete their own pre-approvals in Chrome River)

The following units have their own business managers: Facilities, Marine Operations, Eastern Shore Lab, CBNERR, Sea Grant. Contact your business manager for financial, procurement, and travel needs.


To request help with grants, contracts, budgets, index codes, or funding sources, contact your financial officers. [[v|cforrest,Cindy Forrester]] is the Managing Financial Officer.

Ecosystem Health
  • [[v|dawnf,Dawn Fleming]], Sr. Financial Officer
  • [[v|gholloman,Gail Holloman]], Financial Officer
Natural Resources
  • [[v|khargrave,Karen Hargrave]], Sr. Financial Officer
  • [[v|cteagle,Cheryl Teagle]], Financial Officer
Coastal & Ocean Processes
  • [[v|ckharris,Cynthia Harris]], Sr. Financial Officer
  • [[v|ddelliott,Destiny Elliott]], Financial Officer

The following units have their own business managers: Facilities, Marine Operations, Eastern Shore Lab, CBNERR, Sea Grant. Contact your business manager for financial, procurement, and travel needs.

Space, Vehicles, and Vessels

All sections and units have the same contacts for these needs.