VIMS was all the buzz in 2017

Researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science published 134 journal articles in 2017, on topics ranging from acidification of Chesapeake Bay waters to bay scallops, oysters, sea grass, and zooplankton. Here are the 15 articles authored or co-authored by VIMS researchers that received the most "buzz" in 2017 as ranked by Altmetrics©, a company that monitors media attention based on mentions in traditional media, social media, community forums, and other online platforms. Altmetrics complements more traditional measures of scientific impact such as citation metrics and peer review. Click the colored badge for a detailed look at the attention received by the following papers.

1. Ensemble modeling informs hypoxia management in the northern Gulf of Mexico
2. Tropical dead zones and mass mortalities on coral reefs
3. Spatially integrative metrics reveal hidden vulnerability of microtidal salt marshes
4. Redox reactions and weak buffering capacity lead to acidification in the Chesapeake Bay
5. Preliminary recovery of coastal sharks in the south-east United States
6. Submersed Aquatic Vegetation in Chesapeake Bay: Sentinel Species in a Changing World
7. Assessing Fukushima-derived radiocesium in migratory Pacific predators
8. World without borders—genetic population structure of a highly migratory marine predator, the blue shark (Prionace glauca)
9. Denitrification potential of the eastern oyster microbiome using a 16S rRNA gene based metabolic inference approach
10. Multiple stressors threaten the imperiled coastal foundation species eelgrass (Zostera marina ) in Chesapeake Bay, USA
11. Created mangrove wetlands store belowground carbon and surface elevation change enables them to adjust to sea-level rise
12. Barrier island migration dominates ecogeomorphic feedbacks and drives salt marsh loss along the Virginia Atlantic Coast, USA
13. Vegetation recovery in tidal marshes reveals critical slowing down under increased inundation
14. Reef height drives threshold dynamics of restored oyster reefs
15. Lipid consumption in coral larvae differs among sites: a consideration of environmental history in a global ocean change scenario

You can also see the impact of our in-house publications by visiting the Hargis Library at VIMS.

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