Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award

This is an alternating award given every 3 years to a faculty member who has excelled in teaching, research, or advisory service.

This year's winner of the Outstanding Faculty Researcher Award is Dr. Kim Reece, Professor of Marine Science.

Professor Kim Reece (R) with VIMS Dean & Director John Wells following the Awards Ceremony.In her 28 years at VIMS, Kim has continually led by example as to what excellent faculty research means. With more than 100 publications, Kim has applied cutting-edge techniques in molecular genetics to study dynamics of shellfish pathogens and toxic algal blooms. The reach and prestige of this research, both locally and globally, is evident in Kim’s astounding citation record, with 6,164 total citations and 282 in 2017 alone. Much of this work is published in the highest quality journals, reflecting the importance and impact of her research.

In 2017, Kim was a lead or co-PI on 14 grants, with more than $4 million in funding. Professor Kim Reece.She successfully balances this research load while promoting student involvement; teaching or co-teaching a variety of classes and mentoring more than 30 students in her time at VIMS. She also succeeds in research despite her many responsibilities as Department Chair for Aquatic Health Sciences.

This involvement and novel research is not lost on other organizations, who have recognized Kim with many awards in the past decades. This recognition and the many achievements of her students reflect highly on both Kim and the Institute. She is eminently qualified and deserving of the Outstanding Researcher Award for 2017.