Scholarship persists through COVID restrictions

While COVID restrictions curtailed or delayed many field and lab activities, researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science were able to write up previous results, and write they did, serving as authors or co-authors on 140 journal articles during 2020, with many more in the publication pipeline.

The topics of scholarship at VIMS ranged from seagrass restoration to carbon storage in tropical soils, pollution by microplastics, and the daily migration of zooplankton. Here are the 15 articles authored or co-authored by VIMS researchers that received the most "buzz" in 2020 as ranked by Altmetrics©, a company that monitors media attention based on mentions in traditional media, social media, community forums, and other online platforms. Altmetrics complements more traditional measures of scientific value such as advisory impact and citations. Click the colored badge for a detailed look at the attention received by the following papers.

1. Restoration of seagrass habitat leads to rapid recovery of coastal ecosystem services
2. Millennial-scale hydroclimate control of tropical soil carbon storage
3. Single-Use Plastics and COVID-19: Scientific Evidence and Environmental Regulations
4. A Global Perspective on Microplastics
5. Microplastics affect sedimentary microbial communities and nitrogen cycling
6. A novel adaptation facilitates seed establishment under marine turbulent flows
7. Representing the function and sensitivity of coastal interfaces in Earth system models
8. From Genes to Nitrogen Removal: Determining the Impacts of Poultry Industry Wastewater on Tidal Creek Denitrification
9. Identifying Important Juvenile Dusky Shark Habitat in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean Using Acoustic Telemetry and Spatial Modeling
10. How old are marshes on the East Coast, USA? Complex patterns in wetland age within and among regions
11. Zooplankton diel vertical migration during Antarctic summer
12. Relative impacts of global changes and regional watershed changes on the inorganic carbon balance of the Chesapeake Bay.
13. Seasonal variability of the CO2 system in a large coastal plain estuary
14. Barriers to Eastern Oyster Aquaculture Expansion in Virginia
15. A climate migrant escapes its parasites
16. The North Atlantic Ecosystem, from Plankton to Whales

You can also see the impact of our in-house publications by visiting the Hargis Library at VIMS.

We provide other ways of visualizing the impacts of VIMS research and activities through the infographic shown below.