Drew Luellen

Environmental Data Research Specialist

Email: [[luellen]]
Phone: (804) 684-7749
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall S312
Section: Ecosystem Health

  • B.S., Texas A&M University
  • Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Research Interests
  • Source discrimination of petroleum contamination using PAH and hopane/sterane biomarkers
  • Passive water sampling using semi permeable membrane devices (SPMDs)
  • Trace level analysis of environmental contaminants
  • Environmental data manipulation
  • Analysis of brominated flame retardants and explosives via LC/MS/MS
  • Thermal desorption and dynamic headspace sampling of volatile and semi-volatile compounds in complex matrices
Current Projects
Selected Publications


  • Assessment of legacy and emerging contaminants in an introduced catfish and implications to the fishery. D.R. Luellen, M.J. LaGuardia, T.D. Tuckey, M.C. Fabrizio, G.W. Rice, R.C. Hale. 2018. Environ. Sci. Poll. Res., 25(28), 28355-28366.
  • Hexabromocyclododecane flame retardant in Antarctica: Research stations as sources. D. Chen, R.C. Hale, M.J. LaGuardia, D.R. Luellen, S. Kim, H.N. Giesz. 2015. Environ. Poll. 206, 611-618.
  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in U.S. sewage sludges and biosolids: Temporal and geographical trends and uptake by corn following land application. R.C. Hale, M.J. La Guardia, E. Harvey, D. Chen, T.M. Mainor, D.R. Luellen, L.S. Hundal. 2012. Environ. Sci. Technol., 46(4), 2055-2063.
  • Do temporal and geographical patterns of HBCD and PBDE flame retardants in US fish reflect evolving industrial usage? D. Chen, M.J. La Guardia, D.R. Luellen, E. Harvey, T.M. Mainor, R.C. Hale. 2011. Environ. Sci. Technol., 45(19), 8254-8261.
  • Luellen, D.R., G.G. Vadas, M.A. Unger. Kepone in James River fish: 1976-2002. 2006. Sci Total Environ, 358, 286-297.
  • Luellen, D.R. and D. Shea. 2003. Semipermeable membrane devices accumulate conserved ratios of sterane and hopane petroleum biomarkers. Chemosphere, 53, 705-713.
  • Luellen, D.R. and D. Shea. 2002. Calibration and field verification of semipermeable membrane devices for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. Environ. Sci. Technol., 36 (8), 1791 -1797.

Advisory Service Reports

  • Luellen, D.R. 2009. Shenandoah River Basin Fish Kills: Refinement of a Chemical Contaminant Profile. Report to Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
  • Luellen D.R., Vadas G.G., Unger M.A. Kepone in James River fish: 1976-2002. SETAC 26th annual meeting, November 2005.
  • Luellen,D.R. Uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons into an iso-octane filled variant of the semipermeable membrane device. SETAC 24th annual meeting, November 2003.
  • Use of Low Density Polyethylene as a Substitute for the Standard Semipermeable Membrane Device. D. Shea, C.S. Hofelt, D.R. Luellen, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. SETAC-Europe, 1999, Leipzig, Germany
  • Organochlorine Contamination on National Wildlife Refuges in the Lower Mississippi River Ecosystem. Shea, D., Hofelt, C.S., Luellen, D.R., N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC; Kelly, J.R., US EPA, Duluth, MN. SETAC 17th Annual Meeting, November 1998.
  • Accumulation of PAHs and Hopane/Sterane Biomarkers in Fish and SPMDs as a Means of Discriminating and Apportioning Petroleum Sources. Luellen, D.R. and Shea, D. N.C. State University, Raleigh. SETAC 17th Annual Meeting, November 1998.
  • The Use of Molecular Fossils and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Source Discrimination of Petroleum Contamination on National Wildlife Refuges. Luellen, D.R. and Shea, D. N.C. State University, Raleigh. NCSU Graduate Student Research Symposium, March 27-28, 1998.
  • Source Discrimination of Hydrocarbon Contamination on National Wildlife Refuges. Luellen, D.R. and Shea, D. N.C. State University, Raleigh. Carolina SETAC Annual Meeting, 1998.
  • The Use of Molecular Fossils and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons for Source Discrimination of Petroleum Contamination on National Wildlife Refuges. Luellen, D.R. and Shea, D. N.C. State University, Raleigh. NCSU Graduate Student Research Symposium, March 27-28, 1998.
  • Multimedia Fate Model of Organic Contaminants in Massachusetts Bay. Burroughs Wellcome Symposium, Luellen, D.R. and Shea, D. N.C. State University, Raleigh. March 15, 1997.
Peer-reviewed technical reports
  • Shea, D.,C.S. Hofelt , D.R. Luellen, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki, J.R. Kelly. Chemical contamination at national wildlife refuges in the lower Mississippi River ecosystem. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2001.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Atchafalaya national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Bayou Cocodrie national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Bald Knob national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Big Lake national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Chickasaw national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Cache River national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Catahoula national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Dahomey national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Delta national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Grand Cote national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Handy Brake national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Hillside national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Lower Hatchie national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Lake Isom national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Lake Ophelia national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Mathews Brake national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Morgan Brake national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Overflow national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Panther Swamp national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Reelfoot national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Saint Catherine Creek national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Tallahatchie national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Tensas River national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Wapanocca national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the White River national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
  • Shea, D., J.R. Kelly, D.R. Luellen, C.S. Hofelt, A. Huysman, P.R Lazaro, R. Zarzecki. Chemical contamination at the Yazoo national wildlife refuge. Report to US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region IV, Atlanta, GA. 2000.
Professional Memberships
  • Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (national and regional affiliation)
  • American Chemical Society (national and regional affiliation)
Collaborative / Interdisciplinary Efforts
  • Tracking the sources of brominated diphenyl ether flame retardants along the Hyco River, Virginia (with Dr. Rob Hale)
  • Sample collection, and data management for tributyltin in the Elizabeth River, Virginia (with Dr. Michael Unger)