Blue Crabs: VIMS Journal Articles

The following list is based on a search of VIMS-authored research articles from Thomson Reuters' Web of Science© using the title terms blue crab or Callinectes sapidus. The list is updated at least biannually.

  1. Scheld, A. M., et al., 2021. Evaluating optimal removal of derelict blue crab pots in Virginia, US. Ocean and Coastal Management, 211
  2. Longmire, K. S., et al., 2021. Saved by the shell: Oyster reefs can shield juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672 163-173.
  3. Bilkovic, D. M., et al., 2021. Nursery habitat use by juvenile blue crabs in created and natural fringing marshes. Ecological Engineering, 170
  4. Spitznagel, M. I., et al., 2019. Investigating risk factors for mortality and reovirus infection in aquaculture production of soft-shell blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Aquaculture, 502 289-295.
  5. Small, H. J., et al., 2019. Parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi prevalence in larval and juvenile blue crabs Callinectes sapidus from coastal bays of Virginia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 134 (3): 215-222.
  6. DelBene, J. A., et al., 2019. Examining derelict pot impacts on harvest in a commercial blue crab Callinectes sapidus fishery. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 139 150-156.
  7. Huchin-Mian, J.P., H.J. Small, and J.D. Shields, 2018. The influence of temperature and salinity on mortality of recently recruited blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, naturally infected with Hematodinium perezi (Dinoflagellata). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 152: p. 8-16. 10.1016/j.jip.2018.01.003
  8. Huchin-Mian, J.P., H.J. Small, and J.D. Shields, 2017. Patterns in the natural transmission of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi in American blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus from a highly endemic area. Marine Biology, 164(7). ARTN 153
  9. Glaspie, C.N., K. Longmire, and R.D. Seitz, 2017. Acidification alters predator-prey interactions of blue crab Callinectes sapidus and soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 489: p. 58-65.
  10. Corso, A.D., et al., 2017. Experiments with By-Catch Reduction Devices to Exclude Diamondback Terrapins and Retain Blue Crabs. Estuaries and Coasts, 40(5): p. 1516-1522.
  11. Gaylor, M.O., E. Harvey, and R.C. Hale, 2015. Systematic Investigation of Factors Controlling Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) of Spiked and Aged PCBs from Edible Tissues of the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus). Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 94(1): p. 23-28.
  12. Ralph, G.M. and R.N. Lipcius, 2014. Critical Habitats and Stock Assessment: Age-Specific Bias in the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Population Survey. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 143(4): p. 889-898. http://doi.org10.1080/00028487.2014.901247
  13. Cordero, M.L.H. and R.D. Seitz, 2014. Structured habitat provides a refuge from blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, predation for the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians concentricus (Say 1822). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 460: p. 100-108.
  14. Butler, M.J., et al., 2014. Effects of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi on blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) behavior and predation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461: p. 381-388.
  15. Small, H.J., et al., 2013. Discovery of an opportunistic starfish pathogen, Orchitophrya stellarum, in captive blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 114(2): p. 178-185. http://doi.org10.1016/J.Jip.2013.07.00
  16. Ralph, G. M., R. D. Seitz, et al. 2013. Broad-scale association between seagrass cover and juvenile blue crab density in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 488: 51-63. doi 10.3354/Meps10417
  17. Small, H. J., T. L. Miller, et al. 2013. Discovery of an opportunistic starfish pathogen, Orchitophrya stellarum, in captive blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 114(2): 178-185. doi 10.1016/J.Jip.2013.07.008
  18. Coffey, A. H., C. W. Li, et al. 2012. The Effect of Salinity on Experimental Infections of a Hematodinium Sp in Blue Crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Parasitology 98(3): 536-542. doi 10.1645/Ge-2971.1
  19. Johnston, C. A. and R. N. Lipcius 2012. Exotic macroalga Gracilaria vermiculophylla provides superior nursery habitat for native blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 467: 137-146. doi 10.3354/Meps09935
  20. Lipcius, R. N., T. Miller, et al. 2012. Recovery of the Blue Crab in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1): 313-313.
  21. Lohan, K. M. P., K. S. Reece, et al. 2012. The Role of Alternate Hosts in the Ecology and Life History of Hematodinium Sp., a Parasitic Dinoflagellate of the Blue Crab (Callinectes Sapidus). Journal of Parasitology 98(1): 73-84. doi 10.1645/Ge-2854.1
  22. McCulloch, D. and R. Lipcius 2012. Bycatch Reduction Devices in Blue Crab Traps Affect Catch While Promoting Diamondback Terrapin Conservation. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1): 319-319.
  23. Havens, K., D. M. Bilkovic, et al. 2011. Fishery failure, unemployed commercial fishers, and lost blue crab pots: An unexpected success story. Environmental Science & Policy 14(4): 445-450. doi 10.1016/j.envsci.2011.01.002
  24. Li, C. W., T. L. Miller, et al. 2011. In vitro culture and developmental cycle of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Parasitology 138(14): 1924-1934. doi 10.1017/S0031182011001405
  25. Lohan, K. M. P., H. J. Small, et al. 2013. Conservation in the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) region of Hematodinium perezi (genotype III) from Callinectes sapidus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 103(1): 65-75. doi 10.3354/Dao02559
  26. Ralph, G. M., R. D. Seitz, et al. 2013. Broad-scale association between seagrass cover and juvenile blue crab density in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 488: 51-63. doi 10.3354/Meps10417
  27. Small, H. J., T. L. Miller, et al. 2013. Discovery of an opportunistic starfish pathogen, Orchitophrya stellarum, in captive blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 114(2): 178-185. doi 10.1016/J.Jip.2013.07.008
  28. Coffey, A. H., C. W. Li, et al. 2012. The Effect of Salinity on Experimental Infections of a Hematodinium Sp in Blue Crabs, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Parasitology 98(3): 536-542. doi 10.1645/Ge-2971.1
  29. Johnston, C. A. and R. N. Lipcius 2012. Exotic macroalga Gracilaria vermiculophylla provides superior nursery habitat for native blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 467: 137-146. doi 10.3354/Meps09935
  30. Lipcius, R. N., T. Miller, et al. 2012. Recovery of the Blue Crab in Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1): 313-313.
  31. Lohan, K. M. P., K. S. Reece, et al. 2012. The Role of Alternate Hosts in the Ecology and Life History of Hematodinium Sp., a Parasitic Dinoflagellate of the Blue Crab (Callinectes Sapidus). Journal of Parasitology 98(1): 73-84. doi 10.1645/Ge-2854.1
  32. McCulloch, D. and R. Lipcius 2012. Bycatch Reduction Devices in Blue Crab Traps Affect Catch While Promoting Diamondback Terrapin Conservation. Journal of Shellfish Research 31(1): 319-319.
  33. Havens, K., D. M. Bilkovic, et al. 2011. Fishery failure, unemployed commercial fishers, and lost blue crab pots: An unexpected success story. Environmental Science & Policy 14(4): 445-450. doi 10.1016/j.envsci.2011.01.002
  34. Li, C. W., T. L. Miller, et al. 2011. In vitro culture and developmental cycle of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp from the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Parasitology 138(14): 1924-1934. doi 10.1017/S0031182011001405
  35. Li, C. W., K. N. Wheeler, et al. 2011. Lack of transmission of Hematodinium sp in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus through cannibalism. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 96(3): 249-258. doi 10.3354/Dao02399
  36. Pagenkopp, K. M., K. S. Reece, et al. 2011. The Role of Alternate Hosts in the Ecology and Life History of Hematodinium Sp., a Parasitic Dinoflagellate of the Blue Crab (Callinectes Sapidus). Journal of Shellfish Research 30(2): 541-541.
  37. Pagenkopp, K. M., J. D. Shields, et al. 2011. Strain Variation in Hematodinium Sp., a Parasitic Dinoflagellate from the Blue Crab Callinectes Sapidus, Along the Delmarva Peninsula, VA. Journal of Shellfish Research 30(2): 541-541.
  38. Sanchez-Rubio, G., H. M. Perry, et al. 2011. Climate-related hydrological regimes and their effects on abundance of juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico. Fishery Bulletin 109(2): 139-146.
  39. Seitz, R. D., K. E. Knick, et al. 2011. Diet Selectivity of Juvenile Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay. Integrative and Comparative Biology 51(4): 598-607. doi 10.1093/Icb/Icr098
  40. Small, H. J., T. L. Miller, et al. 2011. The Weird and the Wacky: Orchitophyra Stellarum Infections in Callinectes Sapidus. Journal of Shellfish Research 30(2): 552-553.
  41. Sturdivant, S. K. and K. L. Clark 2011. An evaluation of the effects of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) behavior on the efficacy of crab pots as a tool for estimating population abundance. Fishery Bulletin 109(1): 48-55.
  42. Wheeler, K. N. and J. D. Shields 2011. A Histopathological Examination of Hematodinium Sp Infections in Blue Crabs (Callinectes Sapidus) from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research 30(2): 562-563.
  43. Harding, J. M. and R. Mann 2010. Observations of Distribution, Size, and Sex Ratio of Mature Blue Crabs, Callinectes Sapidus, from a Chesapeake Bay Tributary in Relation to Oyster Habitat and Environmental Factors. Bulletin of Marine Science 86(1): 75-91.
  44. Rook, M. A., R. N. Lipcius, et al. 2010. Bycatch reduction device conserves diamondback terrapin without affecting catch of blue crab. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 409: 171-179. doi 10.3354/Meps08489
  45. Havens, K. J., D. M. Bilkovic, et al. 2009. Location, Location, Location: the Importance of Cull Ring Placement in Blue Crab Traps. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 138(4): 720-724. doi 10.1577/T08-168.1
  46. Havens, K. J., D. M. Bilkovic, et al. 2008. The effects of derelict blue crab traps on marine organisms in the lower York River, Virginia. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28(4): 1194-1200. doi 10.1577/M07-014.1
  47. Li, C. W., K. S. Reece, et al. 2008. A real-time PCR assay for detection and quantification of the blue crab parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp in environmental samples. Journal of Shellfish Research 27(4): 1024-1024.
  48. Seitz, R. D., R. N. Lipcius, et al. 2008. Stock enhancement and carrying capacity of blue crab nursery habitats in Chesapeake Bay. Reviews in Fisheries Science 16(1-3): 329-337. doi 10.1080/10641260701696985
  49. Hewitt, D. and R. Lipcius (2007). Emigration and Mortality of Juvenile Blue Crabs in a Salt Marsh Nursery Habitat. 137th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society (AFS 2007), San Francisco, California (USA).
  50. Hewitt, D. A., and coauthors. 2007. Direct and indirect estimates of natural mortality for Chesapeake Bay blue crab. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136(4):1030-1040.
  51. Small, H. J., J. D. Shields, K. L. Hudson, and K. S. Reece. 2007. Molecular detection of Hematodinium sp infecting the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Journal of Shellfish Research 26(1):131-139.
  52. Brylawski, B. J., and T. J. Miller. 2006. Temperature-dependent growth of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus): a molt process approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63(6):1298-1308.
  53. Lambert, D. M., J. M. Hoenig, and R. N. Lipcius. 2006. Tag return estimation of annual and semiannual survival rates of adult female blue crabs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135(6):1592-1603.
  54. Lambert, D. M., R. N. Lipcius, and J. M. Hoenig. 2006. Assessing effectiveness of the blue crab spawning stock sanctuary in Chesapeake Bay using tag-return methodology. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 321:215-225.
  55. Schreiber, S. J., R. N. Lipcius, R. D. Seitz, and W. C. Long. 2006. Dancing between the devil and deep blue sea: the stabilizing effect of enemy-free and victimless sinks. Oikos 113(1):67-81.
  56. Seitz, R. D., R. N. Lipcius, N. H. Olmstead, M. S. Seebo, and D. M. Lambert. 2006. Influence of shallow-water habitats and shoreline development on abundance, biomass, and diversity of benthic prey and predators in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 326:11-27.
  57. Aguilar, R., and coauthors. 2005. The timing and route of movement and migration of post-copulatory female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, from the upper Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319(1-2):117-128.
  58. Lipcius, R. N., R. D. Seitz, M. S. Seebo, and D. Colon-Carrion. 2005. Density, abundance and survival of the blue crab in seagrass and unstructured salt marsh nurseries of Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319(1-2):69-80.
  59. Seitz, R. D. 2005. Introduction to the proceedings of the 2003 Blue Crab Symposium: Genetics, ecology, and conservation of the blue crab. Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology 319(1-2):1-2.
  60. Seitz, R. D., R. N. Lipcius, and M. S. Seebo. 2005. Food availability and growth of the blue crab in seagrass and unvegetated nurseries of Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319(1-2):57-68.
  61. Seney, E. E., and J. A. Musick. 2005. Diet analysis of Kemp's ridley sea turtles (Lepidochelys kempii) in Virginia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(4):864-871.
  62. Stentiford, G. D., and J. D. Shields. 2005. A review of the parasitic dinoflagellates Hematodinium species and Hematodinium-like infections in marine crustaceans. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 66(1):47-70.
  63. Brylawski, B. J., and T. J. Miller. 2003. Bioenergetic modeling of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) using the fish bioenergetics (3.0) computer program. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):491-504.
  64. Etherington, L. L., D. B. Eggleston, and W. T. Stockhausen. 2003. Partitioning loss rates of early juvenile blue crabs from seagrass habitats into mortality and emigration. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):371-391.
  65. Harding, J. M. 2003. Predation by blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, on rapa whelks, Rapana venosa: possible natural controls for an invasive species? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 297(2):161-177.
  66. Heck, K. L., G. Hays, and R. J. Orth. 2003. Critical evaluation of the nursery role hypothesis for seagrass meadows. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 253:123-136.
  67. Hines, A. H., and coauthors. 2003. Evidence for sperm limitation in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):287-310.
  68. Lipcius, R. N., W. T. Stockhausen, R. D. Seitz, and P. J. Geer. 2003. Spatial dynamics and value of a marine protected area and corridor for the blue crab spawning stock in Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):453-469.
  69. Peterson, C. H., and R. N. Lipcius. 2003. Conceptual progress towards predicting quantitative ecosystem benefits of ecological restorations. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 264:297-307.
  70. Seitz, R. D., and coauthors. 2003. Potential bottom-up control of blue crab distribution at various spatial scales. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):471-490.
  71. Seitz, R. D., L. S. Marshall, A. H. Hines, and K. L. Clark. 2003. Effects of hypoxia on predator-prey dynamics of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus and the Baltic clam Macoma balthica in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 257:179-188.
  72. Sharov, A. F., and coauthors. 2003. Abundance and exploitation rate of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):543-565.
  73. Shields, J. D. 2003. Research priorities for diseases of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):505-517.
  74. Shields, J. D., C. Scanlon, and A. Volety. 2003. Aspects of the pathophysiology of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, infected with the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):519-535.
  75. Stockhausen, W. T., and R. N. Lipcius. 2003. Simulated effects of seagrass loss and restoration on settlement and recruitment of blue crab postlarvae and juveniles in the York River, Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72(2):409-422.
  76. van Montfrans, J., C. H. Ryer, and R. J. Orth. 2003. Substrate selection by blue crab Callinectes sapidus megalopae and first juvenile instars. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 260:209-217.
  77. Hovel, K. A., and R. N. Lipcius. 2002. Effects of seagrass habitat fragmentation on juvenile blue crab survival and abundance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 271(1):75-98.
  78. Lipcius, R. N., and W. T. Stockhausen. 2002. Concurrent decline of the spawning stock, recruitment, larval abundance, and size of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 226:45-61.
  79. Orth, R. J., and J. van Montfrans. 2002. Habitat quality and prey size as determinants of survival in post-larval and early juvenile instars of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 231:205-213.
  80. Hovel, K. A., and R. N. Lipcius. 2001. Habitat fragmentation in a seagrass landscape: Patch size and complexity control blue crab survival. Ecology 82(7):1814-1829.
  81. Messick, G. A., and J. D. Shields. 2000. Epizootiology of the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp in the American blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 43(2):139-152.
  82. Shields, J. D., and C. M. Squyars. 2000. Mortality and hematology of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, experimentally infected with the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi. Fishery Bulletin 98(1):139-152.
  83. Pardieck, R. A., R. J. Orth, R. J. Diaz, and R. N. Lipcius. 1999. Ontogenetic changes in habitat use by postlarvae and young juveniles of the blue crab. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 186:227-238.
  84. Oesterling, M. J. 1998. "Blue" crab resources in other countries: Implications for the US industry. Journal of Shellfish Research 17(2):375-378.
  85. Boles, L. C., and R. N. Lipcius. 1997. Potential for population regulation of the zebra mussel by finfish and the blue crab in North American estuaries. Journal of Shellfish Research 16(1):179-186.
  86. Moksnes, P. O., R. N. Lipcius, L. Pihl, and J. vanMontfrans. 1997. Cannibal-prey dynamics in young juveniles and postlarvae of the blue crab. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 215(2):157-187.
  87. Ryer, C. H., J. vanMontfrans, and K. E. Moody. 1997. Cannibalism, refugia and the molting blue crab. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 147(1-3):77-85.
  88. Orth, R., and coauthors. 1996. Utilization of seagrass habitat by the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus  Rathbun, in Chesapeake Bay: a review. Pages 213-224 in International Workshop on Seagrass Biology.
  89. Pile, A. J., R. N. Lipcius, J. VanMontfrans, and R. J. Orth. 1996. Density-dependent settler-recruit-juvenile relationships in blue crabs. Ecological Monographs 66(3):277-300.
  90. Metcalf, K. S., J. vanMontfrans, R. N. Lipcius, and R. J. Orth. 1995. Settlement indices for blue crab megalopae in the York River, Virginia: Temporal relationships and statistical efficiency. Bulletin of Marine Science 57(3):781-792.
  91. Olmi, E. J., and R. J. Orth. 1995. Introduction to the Proceedings of the Blue Crab Recruitment Symposium. Bulletin of Marine Science 57(3):707-712.
  92. vanMontfrans, J., and coauthors. 1995. Settlement of blue crab postlarvae in western North Atlantic estuaries. Bulletin of Marine Science 57(3):834-854.
  93. Varnell, L. M., and F. J. Havens. 1995. A Comparison of Dimension-Adjusted Catch Data Methods for Assessment of Fish and Crab Abundance in Intertidal Salt Marshes. Estuaries 18(2):319-325.
  94. Varnell, L. M., K. J. Havens, and C. Hershner. 1995. Daily Variability in Abundance and Population Characteristics of Tidal Salt-Marsh Fauna. Estuaries 18(2):326-334.
  95. Olmi, E. J. 1994. Vertical Migration of Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Megalopae - Implications for Transport in Estuaries. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 113(1-2):39-54.
  96. Eggleston, D. B., R. N. Lipcius, and A. H. Hines. 1992. Density-Dependent Predation by Blue Crabs Upon Infaunal Clam Species with Contrasting Distribution and Abundance Patterns. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 85(1-2):55-68.
  97. Greaves, J., J. S. Rainer, and C. P. Mangum. 1992. Size-Exclusion High-Performance Liquid-Chromatography of the Dodecameric and Hexameric Forms of Hemocyanin from Callinectes sapidus. Marine Biology 113(1):33-36.
  98. Luckenbach, M. W., and R. J. Orth. 1992. Swimming Velocities and Behavior of Blue-Crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) Megalopae in Still and Flowing Water. Estuaries 15(2):186-192.
  99. Metcalf, K. S., and R. N. Lipcius. 1992. Relationship of Habitat and Spatial Scale with Physiological-State and Settlement of Blue-Crab Postlarvae in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 82(2):143-150.
  100. Mothershead, R. F., and R. C. Hale. 1992. Influence of Ecdysis on the Accumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic-Hydrocarbons in Field Exposed Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus). Marine Environmental Research 33(2):145-156.
  101. Mangum, C. P., J. Greaves, and J. S. Rainer. 1991. Oligomer Composition and Oxygen Binding of the Hemocyanin of the Blue-Crab Callinectes sapidus. Biological Bulletin 181(3):453-458.
  102. Mansour, R. A., and R. N. Lipcius. 1991. Density-Dependent Foraging and Mutual Interference in Blue Crabs Preying Upon Infaunal Clams. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 72(3):239-246.
  103. Mothershead, R. F., R. C. Hale, and J. Greaves. 1991. Xenobiotic Compounds in Blue Crabs from a Highly Contaminated Urban Subestuary. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 10(10):1341-1349.
  104. Olmi, E. J., and R. N. Lipcius. 1991. Predation on Postlarvae of the Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun by Sand Shrimp Crangon septemspinosa Say and Grass Shrimp Palaemonetes pugio Holthuis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 151(2):169-183.
  105. Pihl, L., S. P. Baden, and R. J. Diaz. 1991. Effects of Periodic Hypoxia on Distribution of Demersal Fish and Crustaceans. Marine Biology 108(3):349-360.
  106. Vanmontfrans, J., C. H. Ryer, and R. J. Orth. 1991. Population dynamics of Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus Rathbun in a Lower Chesapeake Bay Tidal Marsh Creek. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 153(1):1-14.
  107. Eggleston, D. B. 1990. Functional-Responses of Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus Rathbun Feeding on Juvenile Oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) - Effects of Predator Sex and Size, and Prey Size. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 143(1-2):73-90.
  108. Eggleston, D. B. 1990. Behavioral Mechanisms Underlying Variable Functional-Responses of Blue Crabs, Callinectes sapidus Feeding on Juvenile Oysters, Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Animal Ecology 59(2):615-630.
  109. Eggleston, D. B. 1990. Foraging Behavior of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, on Juvenile Oysters, Crassostrea virginica - Effects of Prey Density and Size. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1):62-82.
  110. Havens, K. J., and J. R. Mcconaugha. 1990. Molting in the Mature Female Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1):37-47.
  111. Orth, R. J., and J. Vanmontfrans. 1990. Utilization of Marsh and Seagrass Habitats by Early Stages of Callinectes sapidus - a Latitudinal Perspective. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1):126-144.
  112. Ryer, C. H., J. Vanmontfrans, and R. J. Orth. 1990. Utilization of a Seagrass Meadow and Tidal Marsh Creek by Blue Crabs Callinectes sapidus. 2. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Molting. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1):95-104.
  113. Vanengel, W. A. 1990. Development of the Reproductively Functional Form in the Male Blue-Crab, Callinectes sapidus. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1):13-22.
  114. Vanmontfrans, J., C. A. Peery, and R. J. Orth. 1990. Daily, Monthly and Annual Settlement-Patterns by Callinectes sapidus and Neopanope sayi Megalopae on Artificial Collectors Deployed in the York River, Virginia - 1985-1988. Bulletin of Marine Science 46(1):214-229.