
Dr. David B. Rudders – Dave Rudders is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Fisheries Science at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science where he also serves as Associate Director of the Marine Advisory Program. As Associate Director, he provides leadership for a portfolio of extension activities that include marine education, coastal communities, aquaculture, and fisheries. His research interests focus on applied fisheries research in systems from the near coastal to the outer continental shelf with a specific interest in the sea scallop fishery of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Dr. Rudders received his B.S. from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (1994) and his M.Sc. (1999) and Ph.D. (2010) from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, William & Mary.

Sally Roman – Sally is a Fisheries Specialist. She participates in fieldwork for resource surveys and other studies conducted by the research program. Her interests include incorporating cooperative research into management, conservation engineering to reduce bycatch, and resource surveys.

Kaitlyn R. Clark – Kaitlyn is a graduate student in the Sea Scallop Research Program. She began conducting research in marine science in collaboration with fishing communities in Maine during her undergraduate education at College of the Atlantic. Her interests include fisheries ecology, reproductive biology, and the management of marine molluscs.