ESTDatS People

Lab Director
Lab Assistant
  • Madison GRIFFIN
    VIMS By-pass Student (Fall 2023 - present)
Lab Researchers - Current
  • Mahshid AHMADIAN (VIMS Affiliate and VCU PhD Student)
  • Madison GRIFFIN
    ESTDatS RA (Aug 2023), VIMS By-pass Student (Fall 2023 - present)
  • Julie GROSS
    VIMS PhD Student (current)
Lab Researchers - Past
VIMS Collaborators on Current Projects
External Collaborators on Current Projects
  • Jason ADRIANCE, Finfish Program Manager, Louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries
  • Mark ALBINS, Research Associate and Instructor, U of South Alabama
  • Nate BACHELER, Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA
  • Veronica BERROCAL, Professor, UCal Irvine
  • Ed BOONE, Professor, VA Commonwealth U
  • Kevin BOSWELL, Associate Professor, Florida International U
  • Josh BOWDEN, Research Engineer, INRIA
  • Lelys BRAVO, Clinical Associate Professor, U Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Jeff BUCKEL, Professor, North Carolina State U
  • Matt CATALANO, Associate Professor, Auburn U
  • Steve CRIMP, Deputy Head of Climate, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions (ICEDS)
  • Michael DANCE, Assistant Professor, Lousiana State U
  • Mark DAWKINS, Analyst, Zen Energy
  • Adrian DOBRA, Professor, U of Washington Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences
  • Marcus DRYMON, Associate Extension Professor, Mississippi State U
  • Nicholas ERSKINE, former Honours Student, ANU
  • Megan EVANS, Lecturer#, University of New South Wales Canberra 
  • Mark HOWDEN, Director and Professor, ANU ICEDS 
  • Challen HYMAN, Postdoctoral Fellow, U of S Florida
  • Swen KUH
    • until mid-August, 2021: PhD Student, ANU
    • since mid-August, 2021: Level B# Research Fellow (until May 2023) and Teaching Associate (since April 2023), Monash University; Level B# Research Fellow, University of Adelaide (since May 2023)
  • Mike MCLEISH, Postdoctoral Fellow, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Steve MIDWAY, Associate Professor, Lousiana State U
  • Joe MILLER, Executive Secretary, Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
  • Steve MURAWSKI, Professor, U of South Florida
  • Nicole PHILLIPS, Associate Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
  • Elena NAUMOVA, Professor, Tufts U
  • Monica PIRANI, Lecturer#, Imperial College London
  • Sean POWERS, Professor, U of South Alabama
  • Jay ROOKER, Professor, Texas A&M U @ Galveston
  • Eric SAILLANT, Associate Professor, U of Southern Mississippi
  • Steven SCYPHERS, Associate Professor, U of South Alabama
  • Brad SHERMAN, Adjunct Associate Professor#, U of Canberra Institute of Applied Ecology
  • Lynne STOKES, Professor, Southern Methodist University
  • Greg STUNZ, Professor, Texas A&M U @ Corpus Christi
  • Ted SWITZER, Research Scientist, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
  • Shawn TREIER, Senior Lecturer#, ANU
  • Lynn WATERHOUSE, Assistant Unit Leader, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (U Minnesota)
  • David WELLS, Professor, Texas A&M U @ Galveston
  • Anton WESTVELD, Senior Lecturer#, ANU
  • Malcolm WOLFF, PhD Student, U of Washington

# Australian Associate Professor is equivalent to North American Full Professor, Australian Senior Lecturer, to North American Associate Professor, and Australian/British Lecturer and Level B, to North American Assistant Professor.
