Molluscan Publications: Gray Literature
- The present and potential productivity of the Baylor grounds in Virginia. Volume 1.
- The present and potential productivity of the Baylor grounds in Virginia. Volume 2.
- The James River public seed oyster area in Virginia : a review of 22 years of setting and population studies, 1946 to 1967, and changes caused by minchinia nelsoni (MSX) after 1960.
- The impact of low salinities on James River oyster population, 1979-1980.
- The oyster industry of Virginia: its status, problems and promise.
- Transport of bivalve larvae in the James River, Virginia.
- The imperiled oyster industry of Virginia: a critical analysis with recommendations for restoration.
- New Port Island: an evaluation of potential impacts on marine resources of the lower James River and Hampton Roads.
- Estimation of standing stock of oysters in the James River, Virginia, using commercial fishing records.
- An experiment in raising the salt content of oysters from low salinity waters to improve their taste.
- An investigation of oysters in the James River, Virginia with emphasis on the Deep Water Shoal area and Cruiser Shoals Rock.
- Investigations of the effects on oyster culture of the dredging for the Hampton Roads bridge-tunnel: an investigation conducted by the Virginia Fisheries Laboratory for the Virginia State Department of Highways.
- A report on the operation of a hydraulic escalator dredge on private ground on Hampton Flats, James River, during October, 1980: submitted to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission.
- Potential effects of the 1980-81 drought on oyster diseases and predators.