J.D. Shields - Grants Obtained

Competitive, Peer-reviewed Awards                                                                   Total


2007-2012 NSF, Ecology of Infectious Diseases Program, "Ecological determinants of Hematodinium epidemics in the American blue crab: the effect of fishing pressure on a pathogenic disease". Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields, Co-PIs - Mark J. Butler, Kimberly S. Reece, Harry Wang. $2,400,000
2008-2009 NOAA, Florida SeaGrant, “”  Principal Investigator – Donald C. Behringer, Co-PIs – Mark J. Butler, Jeffrey D. Shields $78,512
2007-2008 Rhode Island Sea Grant Program, "Etiology and mortality studies on epizootic shell disease in American lobsters, Homarus americanus." Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields, Co-PI - Patrick M. Gillevet. $225,000


NSF, Biological Oceanography Program, "Disease Dynamics in Degraded Nurseries: Ecology of Viral Disease in a Social, Marine Animal." Principal Investigator – Mark J. Butler, Co-PIs – Jeffrey D. Shields, Robert Ratzlaff, Roland Cooper, Donald C. Behringer



NOAA, Oyster Disease Program, "Shell Disease of C. virginica and C. ariakensis: A Marketing Issue." Principal Investigator – Robert S. Fisher, Co-PIs – Jeffrey D. Shields, Howard Kator



NOAA, CMER Program, "Comparative pathology of amoebic infections in the blue crab and the American lobster." Principal Investigator – Jeffrey D. Shields, Graduate Student – Andrea Maniscalco



NOAA, Saltonstall-Kennedy Program, "Epidemiological Studies On Spiny Lobsters, Panulirus Argus, Infected With A Pathogenic Herpes-Like Virus." Principal Investigator – Jeffrey D. Shields, Co-PIs – Mark J. Butler, Robert Ratzlaff, Donald Behringer.



NSF, Biological Oceanography Program, "The behavioral and ecological effects of disease in Caribbean spiny lobster. Principal Investigator – Mark J. Butler, Co-PIs – Robert Ratzlaff, Jeffrey D. Shields



NOAA, NERRS Fellowship Program, "The effect of subsurface hydrogen sulfide on the distribution of fiddler crabs." Graduate Student Fellow – Landon Ward, Co-PI – Jeffrey D. Shields



NOAA, ECOHAB Program, "Life history and pathogenicity of Pfiesteria shumwayae." Principal Investigator – Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Co-PIs – Jeffrey D. Shields, Larry W. Haas, Kimberley S. Reece



EPA, ECOHAB Program, "Pfiesteria or Fungus: the etiology of lesions in menhaden." Principal Investigator – Jeffrey D. Shields, Co-PIs – Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Larry W. Haas, Howard Kator



NOAA, California Sea Grant Program, "Rapid identification and treatment of abalone afflicted with withering syndrome." Principal Investigator – Carolyn S. Friedman, Associate PI – Jeffrey D. Shields



NOAA, California Sea Grant Program, Rapid Response, "Microencapsulation as a potential control technique against sabellid worms in abalone aquaculture." Principal Investigator - Carolyn S. Friedman, Associate PI - Jeffrey D. Shields



NOAA, Saltonstall-Kennedy Program, "The therapeutic treatment of abalone infected with the putative agent of abalone withering syndrome." Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields, Co-PI - Carolyn S. Friedman



NOAA, Saltonstall-Kennedy Program, "Mortality and patho-physiology studies of blue crabs infected with the parasitic dinoflagellate Hematodinium perezi." Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields, Co-PI - Aswani Volety



NOAA, Saltonstall-Kennedy Program, "An investigation into the epizootiology of Hematodinium perezi, a parasitic dinoflagellate in the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus." Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields



NOAA, Saltonstall-Kennedy Program, "A parasitological examination of wasting disease in black abalone, Haliotis cracherodii." Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields; Co-PIs – Frank O. Perkins, Armand M. Kuris



NOAA, Virginia Sea Grant Program, Project Development Funds, "Investigations into the epizootiology of Hematodinium perezi and related mortalities." Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields; Co-PIs – Frank O. Perkins, Gretchen Messick



National Park Service Challenge Cost-Share, "Floristic study of Popes Creek, George Washington Birthplace National Monument." Principal Investigator - Gene Silberhorn; Co-PI - Jeffrey D. Shields



Australian Research Council Grant, "The parasites of crabs and lobsters from the Great Barrier Reef." Chief Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields



Australian Research Council Grant, "The community structure of the parasites of swimming crabs (Portunidae)." Chief Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields; 2nd Chief Investigator - R.J.G. Lester



University of Queensland Special Projects Grant, "The taxonomy of Carcinonemertes: Egg predators of crabs and lobsters from the Great Barrier Reef." Chief Investigator – Jeffrey D. Shields






Centers for Diseases Control via Virginia Department of Health, "Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of strains and species of Pfiesteria." Principal Investigator – Kimberley S. Reece, Co-PIs – Jeffrey D. Shields, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Larry W. Haas



Subcontract to University of Maryland, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine via Centers for Diseases Control, "Characterization of Pfiesteria toxin and its effect on the mammalian CNS." Co-Principal Investigators – Jeffrey D. Shields, Larry W. Haas



Centers for Diseases Control via Virginia Department of Health, "Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of strains and species of Pfiesteria." Principal Investigator – Kimberley S. Reece, Co-PIs – Jeffrey D. Shields, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Larry W. Haas



Subcontract to University of Maryland, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine via Centers for Diseases Control, "Characterization of Pfiesteria toxin and its effect on the mammalian CNS." Co-Principal Investigators – Jeffrey D. Shields, Larry W. Haas



Subcontract to University of Maryland, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine via Centers for Diseases Control, "Provision of Pfiesteria shumwayae for chemical analyses." Co-Principal Investigators – Jeffrey D. Shields, Larry W. Haas



Centers for Diseases Control via Virginia Department of Health, "Pfiesteria or Fungus? Assessment of the Current Data and Development of Monitoring Tools to Evaluate the Etiology of Skin Ulcers in Menhaden." Principal Investigator – Kimberley S. Reece, Co-Pis – Jeffrey D. Shields, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Larry W. Haas




Centers for Diseases Control via Virginia Department of Health, "Environmental Monitoring in Support of the CDC Human Cohort Study: Year 2002." Principal Investigator – Kimberly S. Reece, Jeffrey D. Shields, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Leonard Haas, Howard Kator, John Hoenig



Centers for Diseases Control via Virginia Department of Health, "Development of new tools for monitoring Pfiesteria in environmental samples and biotoxicity assays." Principal Investigator – Kimberley S. Reece, Co-Pis – Jeffrey D. Shields, Wolfgang K. Vogelbein, Larry W. Haas



Continuation of State of Virginia Budget Initiative, "Pfiesteria Research, Decision Package #751." Jeffrey D. Shields, with five others.



Virginia Department of Health, Pass through from the Centers for Diseases Control, "Pfiesteria Research." Jeffrey D. Shields, with 4 others.



State of Virginia Budget Initiative, "Pfiesteria Research, Decision Package #751." Jeffrey D. Shields, with five others.



NOAA, Sanctuaries and Reserves, "System-wide education/monitoring linkage: Fusing education and monitoring efforts in the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virgina." Principal Investigator - David Niebuhr, Co-PI - Jeffrey D. Shields



NOAA, Virginia Coastal Resources Management, Education Program, "Ecologically important invertebrates of Chesapeake Bay. I. Fiddler crabs and oysters." Principal Investigator - Jeffrey D. Shields; Co-PIs - David Niebuhr, Maurice Lynch (VIMS)


*The CDC grants were reviewed, but came as a pass through via the Virginia Department of Health.