Capstone Project

Policy in Catalog:
MA Degree Requirements in the School of Marine Science Graduate Catalog

Capstone Guidance
General information:

This is the final milestone for the M.A. degree program, besides graduation. Capstone projects are done in collaboration with a faculty capstone advisor and a professional mentor. Capstone work typically starts in the third semester of the program, but timing can be adjusted as necessary.

Capstone Prospectus
  • The prospectus is due one month after the start of the first semester when a student is registered for capstone credit (MSCI 598).
  • Related Forms:
    Capstone Prospectus | View Sample
Scheduling of Capstone Presentation
  • The capstone presentation should be scheduled in the last month of the capstone credits, prior to the end of classes for that semester. The capstone advisor, professional mentor and MA program director should all be present at the presentation. Professional mentors may attend remotely. Students are responsible for notifying [[bob, Bob Polley]] in ITNS for audio visual support and for reserving an appropriate room in EMS for the presentation prior to submitting their scheduling form in DocuSign. 
  • Note: If McHugh Auditorium is to be reserved, students must also contact [[knbirch, Kelsey Birch]] to reserve the Visitor's Center.
  • Capstone Presentation Announcement: If the student prefers to use an alternate professional-like photo (besides the photo that is available on the VIMS student directory listing) on the capstone presentation announcement, the student should email the image file to the [[registrar, SMS Registrar]] when the scheduling form is distributed to the committee. Announcements will be distributed to the campus community no less than two weeks prior to the capstone presentation date as well as included in the Academic Affairs Digest. 
Submission of Capstone Product
  • The capstone product[s] must be archived in the W&M ScholarWorks system. Email a copy of your project to [[w|scholarworks, W&M ScholarWorks]] and copy the MA Program Director on the correspondence. Projects too large for email can be shared via Google Drive, Box, or One Drive. The team at Swem Library will load the works into W&M ScholarWorks and assign a DOI. The DOI must be included on the capstone acceptance form, so this should be done at least 2 weeks prior to the graduation deadline.
Formal Acceptance of Capstone Presentation & Product
  • This form indicates acceptance of the products and presentation for the Capstone. This form is initiated by the student following their capstone presentation. The assigned W&M ScholarWorks DOI must be included on the capstone acceptance form. The capstone milestone will be recorded as complete in Banner after the final acceptance form is on file in the student's education record.
  • Related Forms:
    Capstone Acceptance | View Sample
Need Help?

If you do not find the answer you need here, please contact the [[molly, M.A. Program Director]] or the [[registrar, SMS Registrar]] for further assistance. You may also contact [[w|scholarworks, W&M ScholarWorks]] for additional assistance.

Last Updated: March 12, 2024 by J. Hay