Shoreline Management Model – SMM

click to enlargeThe Shoreline Management Model (SMM) is a geospatial data model run in ArcGIS that recommends strategies for tidal shoreline erosion control.  The model output shows where living shoreline approaches may be suitable.  Available information about shoreline conditions is processed through decision flow charts to reach shoreline stabilization recommendations.  Model output can be viewed and analyzed with interactive map viewers. 

Shoreline conditions factored into the Shoreline Management Model include:

  • Presence or absence of natural buffers – tidal marshes, beaches, riparian forests, submerged aquatic vegetation SAV
  • Bank height
  • Nearshore bathymetry
  • Wave exposure (fetch)
  • Existing defense structures and proximity of upland development
  • Other locally-based GIS data
Regional Shoreline Management Models

The SMM was originally developed for coastal Virginia with several version updates.  The latest version has been customized for application in other coastal regions.


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The Texas Living Shoreline Site Suitability Model was developed by the Harte Research Institute at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi from the original VIMS shoreline management model foundation.  This model tool is made available through the Texas General Land Office Clean Coast Texas program and a related Guide to Living Shorelines in Texas.

Shoreline conditions factored into the Texas Living Shoreline Site Suitability Model include:

  • Erosion Rate as measured since the 1950s by the Bureau of Economic Geology
  • Wave Energy wind speed & direction plus fetch distances
  • Distance to Nearest Channel boat wake influence on shoreline erosion
  • Shoreline Type beach, marsh, existing shoreline armoring
  • Water Depth & Nearshore Slope water depth and slope up to 10 yards offshore
Florida – Tampa Bay

The Living Shoreline Suitability Model for Tampa Bay was developed in 2018 by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Fish and Wildlife Research Institute from the original VIMS shoreline management model foundation.  This model tool is made available through a Living Shorelines Story Map and web site

Shoreline conditions factored into the Tampa Bay Living Shoreline Suitability Model include:

  • Presence or absence of natural buffers, e.g., tidal marshes, beaches
  • Bank height
  • Nearshore bathymetry
  • Wave exposure (fetch)
  • Existing shoreline defense structures and proximity of upland development
  • Other locally-based GIS data
Louisiana - Lake Pontchartrain
The Lake Pontchartrain, LA Living Shoreline Site Suitability and Decision Making Tool was developed by Troy University and LA Sea Grant from the original VIMS shoreline management model foundation.  This model tool is made available through an online interactive map viewer.
Alabama – Mobile Bay
Alabama & Florida – Pensacola Bay / Perdido Bay / Wolf Bay / Ono Island Complex
A living shoreline site suitability model and master plan for the Pensacola Bay System is in progress by Santa Rosa County and the Pensacola & Perdido Bays Estuary Program.  The project will assess 175 miles of shoreline to characterize and prioritize living shoreline opportunities across local government jurisdictions as a comprehensive coastal resilience strategy.
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This model has been funded, in part, and at various stages, by the VIMS' Center for Coastal Resources Management, the NOAA RESTORE Science Program, and NOAA's Coastal Zone Management Program in Virginia.