
The Center supports coastal resource management decisions with ACTIONABLE SCIENCE: fostering healthy communities for fish, wildlife, plants, and people through sharing our research and providing guidance on the best ways to use it! 

Research at the Center for Coastal Resources Management encompasses both basic and applied research, with the dual intentions of advancing scientific understanding of coastal resources as well as supporting management and policy decisions for private citizens, business, and all levels of government. Continuing work is conducted in tidal and non-tidal wetlands, estuarine and coastal shorelines, geographic and living resource inventories, and watershed management.

At CCRM, we use a cross-disciplinary, collaborative approach to address the research needs of coastal stakeholders locally and globally.  Fieldwork, computer modeling, geographic information systems (GIS), and statistical analyses are used together to identify and answer scientific and management questions, and to communicate those findings through a variety of publicationstools and outreach.

As part of our formal mission to support informed decision-making on resource management issues, our current research focuses on these topics: