What's New


Browse, read and get updates on new issues of many W&M subscribed journals such as those from Elsevier, Springer and Wiley. On your desktop or laptop? .... Connect to BrowZine Web.

You can create a personal bookshelf of favorite journals, readily scan table of contents, save pdfs to your device or Dropbox and read the articles when you wish. 

Receive alerts when new issues of your favorite journals are published. You can also use an app for tablet devices.


 For mobile devices: iPad (2 or later); Google Nexus; Samsung Galaxy; Kindle Fire HD.

  • From your mobile device download BrowZine from the App Store for your device and install it for free. 
  • When you open BrowZine for the first time, you will see a list of schools, go right to the bottom and select College of William & Mary and enter your W&M User ID and password.
  • Select your subject areas and start browsing!

Learn more by checking out a preview.

New Books

New books are displayed in the library for a 2-week period. Slips in the books indicate the date that the review period ends and when the item may be borrowed. If you wish to be the first to borrow a book, write your name on the slip or contact the library and request that your name be added.

Check out what has arrived!

2022: September

Many of the listed books will have a preview feature that will give you a glimpse of some of the content.

Suggest a Book

Let us know if there is a book or other item that we should consider adding to the Hargis Library collections.


Some important databases, handbooks and series are available to you online: