Global Change

Sea-level rise, warming temperatures, and changes in weather patterns pose particular challenges to the Chesapeake Bay and coastal zone. Learn what VIMS scientists are doing to help society understand, mitigate, and adapt to our rapidly changing climate. Also visit our Center for Coastal Resources Management (CCRM) and AdaptVA and CCRFR websites.

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Advisory Service Reports/White Papers

Read the white papers prepared by VIMS' scientists for our Initiative for Coastal Climate Change Research.

Five Most Recent Journal Articles
  1. Beltran, R.S., et al., 2021. Seasonal resource pulses and the foraging depth of a Southern Ocean top predator. Proc Biol Sci, 288(1947): p. 20202817.
  2. Woodland, R.J., et al., 2020. Environmental Drivers of Forage Fishes and Benthic Invertebrates at Multiple Spatial Scales in a Large Temperate Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts.
  3. Thibodeau, P.S., et al., 2020. Long-term observations of pteropod phenology along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers, 166.
  4. Thibodeau, P.S., D.K. Steinberg, and A.E. Maas, 2020. Effects of temperature and food concentration on pteropod metabolism along the Western Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 530.
  5. Schepers, L., et al., 2020. Evaluating indicators of marsh vulnerability to sea level rise along a historical marsh loss gradient. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Read a full list of VIMS-authored journal articles related to global change.