Pfiesteria Bibliography

  1. (1997). Fish kills, illnesses raise Pfiesteria worries in MD. Bay Journal. 7.
  2. (1998). New source of fish fears. Environmental Health Perspectives 106(9): A425-A426.
  3. (1998). Researchers ready rapid Pfiesteria tests. Environmental Health Perspectives 106(5): A224-A226.
  4. Backer, L. C., A. S. Niskar, et al. (2001). Environmental public health surveillance: possible estuary-associated syndrome. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 797-801.
  5. Barker, R. (1997). And the Waters Turned to Blood. The Ultimate Biological Threat. New York, Simon and Schuster.
  6. Berry, J. P., D. G. Baden, et al. (2002). Are Pfiesteria species toxicogenic? Evidence against production of polyketides, non-ribosomal peptides, or any icthyotoxins by Pfiesteria shumwayae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 99(17): 10970-10975.
  7. Bever, C. T., Jr, L. Grattan, et al. (1998). Neurologic symptoms following Pfiesteria exposure: case report and literature review. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 120-123.
  8. Blankenship, K. (2002). Fungal lesions linked to fish kills both with, without Pfiesteria. Bay Journal 12(2).
  9. Blankenship, K. (1997). Algae alert: Scientists set to search for Pfiesteria to determine if it's a problem here. Bay Journal 7(4).
  10. Blazer, V., W. K. Vogelbein, et al. (2000). Etiology and pathogenesis of skin ulcers in menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannis: does Pfiesteria piscicida play a role? Marine Environmental Research 50(1-5): 487-488.
  11. Blazer, V. S., J. H. Lilley, et al. (2002). Aphanomyces invadans in Atlantic Menhaden along the East Coast of the United States. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 14(1): 1-10.
  12. Blazer, V. S., W. K. Vogelbein, et al. (1999). Aphanomyces as a Cause of Ulcerative Skin Lesions of Menhaden from Chesapeake Bay Tributaries. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 11(4): 340-349.
  13. Boesch, D. F. (2000). Measuring the health of the Chesapeake Bay: toward integration and prediction. Environmental Research 82(2): 134-142.
  14. Boesch, D. F., R. B. Brinsfield, et al. (2001). Chesapeake Bay eutrophication: scientific understanding, ecosystem restoration, and challenges for agriculture. Journal of Environmental Quality 30(2): 303-320.
  15. Bowers, H. A., T. Tengs, et al. (2000). Development of real-time PCR assays for rapid detection of Pfiesteria piscicida and related dinoflagellates. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66(11): 4641-4648.
  16. Burkholder, J. M., et al. (2005). Demonstration of toxicity to fish and to mammalian cells by Pfiesteria species: Comparison of assay methods and strains. J Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 102: 3471-3476
  17. Burkholder, J. M. (submitted). Comments on Litaker et al. (J. Phycol., 2002). Journal of Phycology.
  18. Burkholder, J. M. (1999). The lurking perils of Pfiesteria. Scientific American 281(2): 42-49.
  19. Burkholder, J. M. and H. B. Glasgow (1997). Pfiesteria piscicida and other toxic Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates: Behavior, impacts, and environmental controls. Limnology & Oceanography 42(5): 1052-1075.
  20. Burkholder, J. M. and H. B. Glasgow (1997). Trophic controls on stage transformations of a toxic ambush-predator dinoflagellate. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 44(3): 200-205.
  21. Burkholder, J., H. Glasgow, et al. (2001). Species of the toxic Pfiesteria complex, and the importance of functional type in data interpretation. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(Suppl 5): 667-79.
  22. Burkholder, J. M., H. B. Glasgow and N. Deamer-Melia (2001). Overview and present status of the toxic Pfiesteria complex (Dinophyceae). Phycologia 40(3): 186-214.
  23. Burkholder, J. M., H. B. Glasgow, et al. (1995). Distribution and environmental conditions for fish kills linked to a toxic ambush-predator dinoflagellate. Marine Ecology Progress Series 124: 43-61.
  24. Burkholder, J. M. and H. B. J. Glasgow (1995). Interactions of a toxic estuarine dinoflagellate with microbial predators and prey. Archiv fuer Protistenkunde 145(3-4): 177-188.
  25. Burkholder, J. M., H. B. J. Glasgow, et al. (1995). Stage transformations in the complex life cycle of an "ambush-predator" estuarine dinoflagellate. Harmful marine algal blooms. P. Lassus, G. Arzul, E. Erard, P. Gentien and C. Marcaillou. Amsterdam, Elsevier: 567-572.
  26. Burkholder, J. M. and H. B. Glasgow Jr. (1996). Effects on fisheries and human health linked to a toxic estuarine dinoflagellate. Toxicon 34(3): 308.
  27. Burkholder, J. M., H. B. Glasgow Jr., et al. (1995). Fish kills linked to a toxic ambush-predator dinoflagellate: distribution and environmental conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 124: 43-61.
  28. Burkholder, J. M., M. A. Mallin, et al. (1999). COMMENT: Fish kills, bottom-water hypoxia, and the toxic Pfiesteria complex in the Neuse River and Estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series 179: 301-310.
  29. Burkholder, J. M., H. G. Marshall, et al. (2001). The standardized fish bioassay procedure for detecting and culturing actively toxic Pfiesteria, used by two reference laboratories for Atlantic and Gulf Coast states. Environmental Health Perspectives October(Suppl 5:): 745-56.
  30. Burkholder, J. M., E. J. Noga, et al. (1992). New 'phantom' dinoflagellate is the causative agent of major estuarine fish kills. Nature 358: 407-410.
  31. Cancellieri, P. J., J. M. Burkholder, et al. (2001). Chemosensory attraction of zoospores of the estuarine dinoflagellates, Pfiesteria piscicida and P. shumwayae, to finfish mucus and excreta. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 264(1): 29-45.
  32. Dewar, H. (2002). Scientists challenge theory on toxicity of Pfiesteria: Study claims organism not as noxious as believed. Baltimore Sun. Baltimore, MD.
  33. Dykstra, M. J. and A. S. Kane (2000). Pfiesteria piscicida and ulcerative mycosis of Atlantic menhaden—current status of understanding. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12(1): 18-25.
  34. Faith, S. A. and C. A. Miller (2000). A newly emerging toxic dinoflagellate, Pfiesteria piscicida: natural ecology and toxicosis to fish and other species. Veterinary and Human Toxicology 42(1): 26-29.
  35. Fleming, L. E., J. Easom, et al. (1999). Emerging harmful algal blooms and human health: Pfiesteria and related organisms. Toxicologic Pathology 27(5): 573-581.
  36. Glasgow, H. B., J. M. Burkholder, et al. (2001). Field ecology of toxic Pfiesteria complex species and a conservative analysis of their role in estuarine fish kills. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 715-730.
  37. Glasgow, H. B., Jr, J. M. Burkholder, et al. (1995). Insidious effects of a toxic estuarine dinoflagellate on fish survival and human health. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health 46(4): 501-522.
  38. Golub, J. E., D. T. Haselow, et al. (1998). Pfiesteria in Maryland: preliminary epidemiologic findings. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 137-143.
  39. Gordon, A. S., B. J. Dyer, D. Seaborn and H. G. Marshall (2002). Comparative toxicity of Pfiesteria spp., prolonging toxicity of P. piscicida in culture and evaluation of toxin(s) stability. Harmful Algae 1(1): 85-94.
  40. Grattan, L. M. (1998). Current status and future directions for the investigation and management of the human health effects of exposure to Pfiesteria piscicida or Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 148-151.
  41. Grattan, L. M., D. Oldach, et al. (1998). Learning and memory difficulties after environmental exposure to waterways containing toxin-producing Pfiesteria or Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates. The Lancet 352(9127): 532-539.
  42. Grattan, L. M., D. Oldach, et al. (1998). Neurobehavioral complaints of symptomatic persons exposed to Pfiesteria piscicida or morphologically related organisms. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 127-129.
  43. Greenberg, D. R., J. K. Tracy, et al. (1998). A critical review of the Pfiesteria hysteria hypothesis. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 133-136.
  44. Hargis, W. (2000). Dermal ulcerations and mortalities of estuarine fishes as indicators of environmental problems. Marine Environmental Research 50(1-5): 487.
  45. Haselow, D. T., E. Brown, et al. (2001). Gastrointestinal and respiratory tract symptoms following brief environmental exposure to aerosols during a Pfiesteria-related fish kill. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part A 63(8): 553-564.
  46. Kane, A. S., M. J. Dykstra, et al. (2000). Etiologies, observations and reporting of estuarine finfish lesions. Marine Environmental Research 50(1-5): 473-477.
  47. Kane, A. S., D. Oldach, et al. (1998). Fish lesions in the Chesapeake Bay: Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates and other etiologies. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 106-112.
  48. Kimm-Brinson, K., P. Moeller, et al. (2001). Identification of a P2X7 receptor in GH(4)C(1) rat pituitary cells: a potential target for a bioactive substance produced by Pfiesteria piscicida. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 457-62.
  49. Kiryu, Y., J. D. Shields, et al. (2002). Induction of Skin Ulcers in Atlantic Menhaden by Injection and Aqueous Exposure to the Zoospores of Aphanomyces invadans. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 14(1): 11-24.
  50. Kleindinst, J. L. and D. M. Anderson (2001). Pfiesteria-related educational products and information resources available to the public, health officials, and researchers. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 695-698.
  51. Law, M. (2001). Differential diagnosis of ulcerative lesions in fish. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 681-6.
  52. Levin, E. D. (2001). A rat model of the cognitive impairment from Pfiesteria piscicida exposure. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 757-763.
  53. Levin, E. D., A. H. Rezvani, et al. (2000). Rapid neurobehavioral analysis of Pfiesteria piscicida effects in juvenile and adult rats. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22(4): 533-40.
  54. Levin, E. D., D. E. Schmechel, et al. (1997). Persisting learning deficits in rats after exposure to Pfiesteria piscicida. Environmental Health Perspectives 105(12): 1320-1325.
  55. Levin, E. D., B. B. Simon, et al. (1999). Pfiesteria toxin and learning performance. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 21(3): 215-221.
  56. Lewitus, A. J., H. B. J. Glasgow, et al. (1999). Kleptoplastidy in the toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 35: 303-312.
  57. Lewitus, A. J., R. V. Jesien, et al. (1995). Discovery of the phantom dinoflagellate in Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries 18(2): 373-378.
  58. Lewitus, A. J., B. M. Willis, et al. (1999). Mixotrophy and nitrogen uptake by Pfiesteria piscicida (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 35: 1430-1437.
  59. Lin, S., and H. Zhang, Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Pfiesteria piscicida and its Growth Rate-Related Expression, Applied Environmental Microbiology, 69 (1), 343-349, 2003.
  60. Litaker, R. W., P. A. Tester, et al. (1999). The phylogenetic relationship of Pfiesteria piscicida, Cryptoperidiniopsoid sp., Amyloodinoum ocellatum and a Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellate to other dinoflagellates and apicomplexans. Journal of Phycology 35(6): 1379-1389.
  61. Litaker, R. W., M. W. Vandersea, et al. (2002). Life cycle of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida (Dinophyceae). Journal of Phycology 38(3): 442-463.
  62. Litaker, W., K. S. Reece, et al. (accepted with revisions). Polymorphisms in the ITS region of dinoflagellates: Implications for development of molecular diagnostics and phylogenetic analyses. Journal of Phycology.
  63. Lowitt, M. and L. Kauffman (1998). Pfiesteria and the skin. Maryland Medical Journal 47: 124-126.
  64. MacIlwain, C. (1997). "Scientists close in on "cell from hell" lurking in Chesapeake Bay." Nature 389(25 September): 317-318.
  65. Magnien, R. E. (2001). State monitoring activities related to Pfiesteria-like organisms. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 711-714.
  66. Mallin, M. A., J. M. Burkholder, et al. (2000). "North and South Carolina Coasts." Marine Pollution Bulletin 41(1-6): 56-75.
  67. Mallin, M. A., J. M. Burkholder, et al. (1995). "Response of the zooplankton grazers to an ichthyotoxic estuarine dinoflagellate." Journal of Plankton Research 17: 351-363.
  68. Marshall, H. G., A. S. Gordon, et al. (2000). Comparative culture and toxicity studies between the toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida and a morphologically similar cryptoperidiniopsoid dinoflagellate. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 255(1): 51-74.
  69. Matuszak, D. L., M. Sanders, et al. (1997). Toxic Pfiesteria and human health. Maryland Medical Journal 46(10): 515-520.
  70. Matuszak, D. L., J. L. Taylor, et al. (1998). Toxic-Pfiesteria—surveillance for human disease in Maryland. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 144-147.
  71. Moe, C. L., E. Turf, et al. (2001). Cohort studies of health effects among people exposed to estuarine waters: North Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 781-786.
  72. Morris, J. G., Jr (1998). Pfiesteria!? An introduction. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 104-105.
  73. Morris, J. G., Jr (2001). Human health effects and Pfiesteria exposure: a synthesis of available clinical data. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 787-790.
  74. Noga, E. J. (2000). Skin ulcers in fish: Pfiesteria and other etiologies. Toxicologic Pathology 28(6): 807-823.
  75. Noga, E. J., L. Khoo, et al. (1992). Novel Toxic Dinoflagellate Causes Epidemic Disease in Estuarine Fish. Marine Pollution Bulletin 32(2): 219-224.
  76. Oldach, D., E. Brown, et al. (1998). Strategies for environmental monitoring of toxin producing phantom dinoflagellates in the Chesapeake. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 113-119.
  77. Parrow, M., J. M. Burkholder, N. J. Deamer and C. Zhang (2002). Vegetative and sexual reproduction in Pfiesteria spp. (Dinophyceae) cultured with algal prey, and inferences for their classification. Harmful Algae 1(1): 5-33.
  78. Rezvani, A. H., P. J. Bushnell, et al. (2001). Specificity of cognitive impairment from Pfiesteria piscicida exposure in rats; attention and visual function versus behavioral plasticity. Neurotoxicology and Teratology 23(6): 609-616.
  79. Rogers, H. S. and L. Backer (2001). Fish Bioassay and Toxin Induction Experiments for Research on Pfiesteria piscicida and Other Toxic Dinoflagellates: Workshop Summary. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 769-774.
  80. Rublee, P. A., J. W. Kempton, et al. (2001). Use of molecular probes to assess geographic distribution of Pfiesteria species. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 765-767.
  81. Rullan, J. V. and S. R. Jenkins (1998). The public health implications of Pfiesteria in Virginia. Virginia Medical Quarterly: VMQ 125(1): 78-80.
  82. Samet, J., G. S. Bignami, et al. (2001). Pfiesteria: Review of the Science and Identification of Research Gaps. Report for the National Center for Environmental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 639-659.
  83. Shoemaker, R.(1998). "Treatment of persistent Pfiesteria-human illness syndrome." Maryland Medical Journal 47(2): 64-66.
  84. Shoemaker, R. C. (1997). Diagnosis of Pfiesteria-human illness syndrome. Maryland Medical Journal 46(10): 521-523.
  85. Shoemaker, R. C. and H. K. Hudnell (2001). Possible estuary-associated syndrome: symptoms, vision, and treatment. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 539-545.
  86. Silbergeld, E. K., L. Grattan, et al. (2000). Pfiesteria: harmful algal blooms as indicators of human: ecosystem interactions. Environmental Research 82(2): 97-105.
  87. Smith, C. G. and S. I. Music Pfiesteria in North Carolina. The medical inquiry continues. North Carolina Medical Journal 59(4): 216-220.
  88. Steidinger, K., J. Landsberg, et al. (2001). Classification and identification of Pfiesteria and Pfiesteria-like species. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(Supplement 5): 661-665.
  89. Steidinger, K. A., J. M. Burkholder, et al. (1996). Pfiesteria piscicida gen. et sp. nov. (Pfiesteriaceae fam. nov.), a new toxic dinoflagellate with a complex life cycle and behavior. Journal of Phycology 32(1): 157-164.
  90. Steidinger, K. A., J. H. Landsberg, et al. (1998). First report of Gymnodinium pulchellum (dinophyceae) in North America and associated fish kills in the Indian River, Florida. J. Phycol. 34(3): 431-437.
  91. Swinker, M., D. Koltai, et al. (2001). Estuary-associated syndrome in North Carolina: An occupational prevalence study. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(1): 21-26.
  92. Swinker, M., P. Tester, et al. (2002). Human health effects of exposure to Pfiesteria piscicida: a review. Microbes Infect 4(7): 751-62.
  93. Tracy, J. K., D. Oldach, et al. (1998). Psychologic adjustment of watermen with exposure of Pfiesteria piscicida. Maryland Medical Journal 47(3): 130-132.
  94. Trainer, V. L. (2002). Marine biology: Unveiling an ocean phantom (News & Views). Nature 418(6901): 67-69.
  95. Vogelbein, W. K., V. J. Lovko, et al. (2002). Pfiesteria shumwayae kills fish by micropredation not exotoxin secretion. Nature 418(6901): 67-69.
  96. Vogelbein, W. K., J. D. Shields, et al. (2001). Skin ulcers in estuarine fishes: a comparative pathological evaluation of wild and laboratory-exposed fish. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(5): 687-693.
  97. Webb, S. R., G. C. Garman, et al. (2002). Amoebae Associated with Ulcerative Lesions of Fish from Tidal Freshwater of the James River, Virginia. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 14(1): 68-76.
  98. Weinhold, B. (2001). Finding Pfiesteria fast. Environmental Health Perspectives 109(2): A67.
  99. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (2002). Glossary of Pfiesteria-related terms, Pfiesteria Interagency Coordination Working Group, chaired by J. Macknis, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Baltimore, MD. 2002.