Professional Development Committee

The professional development committee (PDC) formed in 2013 to extend the scope of professional preparation activities at VIMS beyond training for academic careers. We have connected students with alumni and other professionals working at federal, state, and local governmental agencies, at non-profit conservation and education organizations, and at private consulting firms. We have brought multiple scientists and professionals to VIMS as guest speakers, and hosted the first annual Alumni Networking Event in Fall 2018. We've hosted several workshops regarding topics including grant writing, professional social media presence, mock interviews, and resume/CV building. We previously have led a graduate student mentorship-type panel series called Surviving Grad School in which older, more seasoned students provide advice to newer students. We also host the event series "Scientist Walks Into A Bar... Graduate Student Edition" in conjunction with local breweries to provide students the opportunity to present their research to a local, public audience.
Subcommittees within the PDC are dedicated to organizing our standing events, including: the Alumni Networking Event, Peer Review and Writing Network, Scientist Walks into a Bar series, and Surviving Grad School series.

PDC Committee Co-Chairs:

Please contact the committee co-chairs if you are interested in joining the committee or have any suggestions for future career development events.

Nihal Guennouni | [[v|nguennouni]]
Mary Beth Armstrong | [[v|mbarmstrong]]

Announcements, Activities, and Events
Upcoming Events

A Scientist Walks Into a Bar - Grad Student Edition! PDC and VIMS Advancement are excited to announce our fall 'SWIB' event on December 6 from 7-8:30pm at the Virginia Beer Company in Williamsburg. We hope to see you there! 

VIMS Alumni and Students LinkedIn Group

Calling all students and alumni: Please join the VIMS student and alumni LinkedIn group to facilitate networking within the greater VIMS community. Spread the word!

Peer Review Network

Do you wish you could get a second pair of eyes on your writing? If yes, then look no further! We're excited to share with you our new Peer Review platform. Submissions such as manuscript drafts, fellowship/grant applications, portions of theses/dissertations/prospectuses, class papers, and conference abstracts are welcome!

 Guidelines in Brief:

  • Spell-check and read through your materials for errors
  • Limit your submission to 10 pages of text (single spaced and 12 pt. font), not including references, tables, or figures.

 To submit a document for peer review please fill out this form:

 Once you have submitted a document and a reviewer has been assigned, please allow two weeks to receive your completed review. Contact with any questions or concerns!