Student Services

Student Health Insurance

The university requires all full-time students to have health insurance coverage throughout the entire school year. To find out more information about what VIMS graduate students can receive in terms of health insurance, please review the document linked below.
VIMS/William & Mary Student Health Insurance 2016-2017

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center provides a full-range of primary care services including the evaluation, treatment and prevention of all kinds of acute or chronic physical, mental and social health issues. All full-time students with a completed Health Evaluation Form are eligible to receive care at the Student Health Center. (from Student Health Center website)
(757) 221-4386
The Student Health Center does not communicate via email, as email is not a confidential source of communication and privacy cannot be guaranteed. Please call or visit for assistance.
230 Gooch Drive

The Haven: A Safe Space

The Haven is a peer-based confidential, welcoming and inclusive resource center for those impacted by sexual violence and harassment, relationship abuse and intimate-partner violence, stalking and other gender-based discrimination. Both in person and Zoom appointments are available, as are support groups. (from The Haven website)
(757) 221-2449 
Sadler Center, Suite 146P

W&M Counseling Center
The Counseling Center offers a range of mental health services to students wanting help with personal concerns. Our staff specializes in the developmental issues and clinical concerns common to college students such as relationship and family issues, academic and personal stress, identity development and personal growth. (from Counseling Center website)
(757) 221-3620
McLeod Tyler Wellness Center

VIMS Ombuds

The goal of the VIMS Ombuds is to help students resolve issues and address concerns while advocating for fairness on behalf of all students. When acting in their Ombuds role, the Ombuds are a confidential resource that is independent from formal university processes. They will listen to concerns/issues and help you determine your options, discuss the situation with a neutral party, and help you learn more about your resources.

Contact information for our current VIMS Ombuds team can be found on their website.