Fishery Resource Grant Program Final Project Reports

2022 Reports

Problems with Peritrichs, FRG 2022-07

2021 Reports

Enhancing commercial bivalve hatchery operations through utilization of a recirculating larvae culture system, FRG 2021-02  

Ghost Pots are the Result of Barnacles, FRG 2021-04

2020 Reports

Industry collaboration to determine predation impact of Invasive Blue Catfish on Blue Crabs in the lower reaches of James River: 1-year continuation of FRG 2018-14, FRG 2020-01

2019 Reports

A Genetic Assessment of the Channeled Whelk Resource Targeted by Virginia Commercial Fishermen, FRG 2019-02 

Floating oyster cage aquaculture impacts on submerged aquatic vegetation, FRG 2019-13

2018 Reports

Testing the efficiency of wire reinforced catfish pots and comparing horizontal and vertical configurations to catch invasive catfish in the James River, VA, FRG 2018-01

Develop and Test Fish Pot Cull Rings, FRG 2018-09

Determine Methods to Reduce Bycatch of Juvenile Atlantic Croaker in Haul Seines (continuation of FRG 2017-04), FRG 2018-11

Industry collaboration to determine predation impact of Invasive Blue Catfish on Blue Crabs in the lower reaches of James River, FRG 2018-14

2017 Reports

Eliminating the By-catch in the Conventional Crab Pot, 2017-01

Seeing Red: Does the Color of a Crab Pot Really Matter?, FRG 2017-02

Reducing Invasive Blue Catfish by Electrofishing – 2017, FRG 2017-03           

Determine Methods to Reduce By-Catch of Juvenile Atlantic Croaker in Haul Seines – 2017, FRG 2017-04           

Virginia Seafood Guide, FRG 2017-05. Find the Virginia Seafood Guide online here.

2018 Virginia Seafood Sustainability Report, VIMS MAP

High Grading Scallops on the Ocean Bottom, 2017-09

2016 Reports

Feasibility of Reducing Oyster Theft Using RFID Technology,  FRG 2016-02

Practical Oyster Larvae and Remote Deployment Pool, FRG 2016-04

Determine Methods to Reduce By-catch of Juvenile Atlantic Croaker in Haul Seines, FRG 2016-05

Conclusion: Protecting Juvenile Flounder from Becoming a Crab Pot By Catch, FRG 2016-01

Describe If Commercial Low-Frequency Electrofishing Affects the Catch of Blue Catfish Hoop-Net Fishery, FRG 2016-03

2015 Reports

Testing Experimental Collection Gears to Increase Harvest Efficiency of the Electrofishing Fishery Targeting Introduced Blue Catfish in Virginia WatersFRG 2015-01

Phase II Protecting Juvenile Flounder from Becoming a Crab Pot By-Catch, by Michael W. Joslin, FRG Project No. 2015-02

Tidal FLUPSY, FRG 2015-07

2014 Reports

Making the Deep Sea Atlantic Red Crab Fishery a Sustainable and Profitable Industry for Virginia, by Atlantic Red Crab Company, LLC, Casey's Seafood, Inc., Graham & Rollins, Inc., FRG Project No. 2014-22, January 2015

Analysis of Short-Term Temporal Variation in Densities of Pathogenic Vibrio species in Virginia Oysters, by Virginia Seafood Council, FRG Project No. 2014-13, April 2015

Testing the Applicability of Commercial Electrofishing for Invasive Catfish in the James and York Rivers, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2014-03

Observing Striped Bass Catch and Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch in a Striped Bass Fishery Using Raised Footlines in the Chesapeake Bay, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2014-02

Protecting Juvenile Flounder from Becoming a Crab Pot By-Catch, by Michael W. Joslin, FRG Project No. 2014-01

2013 Reports

Larvae Overboard on Shell, by Andrew Myles Cockrell, FRG Project No. 2013-12

Market Development for Chesapeake Ray, by C. Meade Amory, FRG Project No. 2013-11, May 2014

Electronic Harvest Reporting Training and Outreach, by Virginia Watermans Association, FRG Project No. 2013-09

Observing Striped Bass Catch and Atlantic Sturgeon Bycatch in a Striped Bass Fishery Using Raised Footlines, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2013-08

2012 Reports

Testing Scottish Seine in Virginia's Waters, by Jeffery A. Hammer, FRG Project No. 2012-16

Feasibility of a Recirculating Aquaculture System for Early Larval Culture of Crassostrea virginica, by Michael Congrove, FRG Project No. 2012-11

Reduction of Crab Mortality in Seed Cages, by Richard Wade Harding, FRG Project No. 2012-08

Market Development for Cownose Ray, by L.D. Amory & Co., Inc., FRG Project No. 2012-06, April 2012

Testing Raised Footlines in Virginia's Striped Bass Fishery:  A Gear Based Method of Reducing Sturgeon Interactions in Anchored Gill Nets, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2012-04

Early Spat on Shell Setting, by Rufus H. Ruark, FRG Project No. 2012-01

2011 Reports

Stake in the Bay, by Michael J. Gadwill, FRG Project No. 2011-18, February 2013

"Dock Long Lining for Oyster Culture", by Ronald T. Sopko, FRG Project No. 2011-16, October 2012

Testing Raised Footlines in Virginia’s Striped Bass Fishery:  A Gear Based Method of Reducing Sturgeon Interactions in Anchored Gill Nets, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2011-09

Developing New Value-Added Products from Cownose Ray, FRG 2011-04

2010 Reports

Market Development for Value-Added Product from Cow Nose Ray, by L.D. Amory & Co., Inc., FRG Project No. 2010-15, April 2011

Using Traps for Catfish in Virginia Tidal Rivers, by James Bristow, FRG Project No. 2010-14

Hybrid Fish Capturing Device “FCD” for Capturing Live Flounder, by Jeffery Hammer, FRG Project No. 2010-13, September 2010

Development of Preventive Measures to Reduce Mortalities for Holding Live Wild-Caught Flounder in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, by Clarke J. Morton, FRG Project No. 2010-12

Analysis of Tie Downs on Gillnet CPUE, Selectivity and Bycatch Composition, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2010-08

Method and Concept Evaluation of Relaying Oysters from Chesapeake Bay to High Salinity Water as a Post-Harvest-Process to Reduce Vibrio vulnificus to Undetectable Levels, by Thomas Gallivan, FRG Project No. 2010-05

Improving Gill Net Selectivity by Altering Mesh Characteristics 2010, by Robert Weagley, FRG Project No. 2010-04

Investigation of the Beneficial Effects of Intentionally Exposing Oysters To Air During Their Normal Growing Season, by Dennis K. Gryder, FRG Project No. 2010-02

Influence of Planting Activities on QPX Disease in the Hard Clam Mercenaria Mercenaria in Virginia, by Ballard Fish and Oyster Company, FRG Project No. 2010-01, January 2011

2009 Reports

Channeled Whelk Assessment, by Richard B. Robins, Jr., FRG Project No. 2009-12

Characterization of Bycatch and Regulatory Discards in Virginia’s Spring Striped Bass Gill Net Fisheries and Analysis of Gear Alterations on CPUE and Bycatch Composition, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2009-07

Developing New Value Added Products from Cow Nose Ray, by L.D.Amory & Co., Inc., FRG Project No. 2009-06, April 2010

2008 Reports

Developing Both Commodity and Niche Markets for Cow Nose Ray, by L.D. Amory & Co., Inc., FRG Project No. 2008-13, February 2009

Characterization of Bycatch and Regulatory Discards in Virginia’s White Perch and Spring Striped Bass Gill Net Fisheries and Assessing Gill Net Alterations for Effect on Bycatch and Target Species, by George Earl Trice, FRG Project No. 2008-08

Alternative Bait Holding Devices in the VA Conch Pot Fishery, by Scott Troy Hainley, FRG Project No. 2008-05

Hedgingless Pound Net, FRG 2008-03

A Practical Manual for Remote Setting in Virginia, by Michael Congrove, James Wesson, and Standish Allen Jr. FRG Project No. 2008-04, VIMS Marine Resource Report No. 2009-1, VSG-09-01, January 2009.

2007 Reports

Feasibility of converting crab shedding tanks to effectively set single oyster seed for aquaculture and comparison of technique to traditional remote setting practices, FRG Project No. 2007-01

Developing Both Commodity and Niche Markets for Cow Nose Ray, by L. D. Amory & Co., Inc., FRG Project No. 2007-06, December 2007

Re-Examination of the Feasibility Study on One-Year Grow-Out of Triploid Crassostrea ariakensis 2007-2008, by Virginia Seafood Council, FRG Project No. 2007-05, July 2008

Characterization of Sturgeon and Other Regulatory Discards in Virginia’s Spring Striped Bass and Other Gill Net Fisheries, by George E. Trice, FRG Project No. 2007-04

Improving Gill Net Selectivity by Altering Mesh Characteristics, by Robert Weagley, FRG Project No. 2007-03

Feasibility of Converting Crab Shedding Tanks to Effectively Set Single Oyster Seed for Aquaculture, FRG 2007-01

2006 Reports

Assessment of Sturgeon Bycatch, Bycatch Mortality and Other Regulatory Discard Mortality in Virginia’s Winter/Spring Striped Bass and Other Gill Net Fisheries, by Kelly Place, FRG Project No. 2006-09

Developing an Alternative Fishery for Virginia Watermen:  The case for oyster toadfish, by Jim Casey, FRG Project No. 2006-06, February 2008

Aquaculture Training Needs Assessment and Program Development, by Shawn Stickler, FRG Project No. 2006-04, June 2007

2005 Reports

Floating Hedging, by William Haynie, FRG Project No. 2005-01

2004 Reports

Whale Safe Gillnets, by FV Nelson Seafood, FRG Project No. 2004-02

2003 Reports

Project Management for Virginia Seafood Council’s Economic Analysis of Triploid C. ariakensis Aquaculture (Year 1 and 2), by Virginia Seafood Council, FRG Project No. 2003-07

Virginia Oyster Aquaculture Production and Marketing Survey, by Shawn Stickler, FRG Project No. 2003-03

Validation of an Individual Quick Freezing (IQF) Process to Reduce Vibrio vulnificus Numbers to <30MPN/g in Raw Oysters, by Ron Bevans, FRG Project No. 2003-01

2002 Reports

Modular Oil Absorbent Bilge Pump, by Darryl Lilliston Seafood, FRG Project 2002-29, June 2003

Grow-Out and Marketability Evaluation of Triploid DEBY Oysters, by Gustavo Calvo, FRG Project No. 2002-24

Development of Clear Plastic Containers for Pasteurizing Crab Meat, by Johnny Graham, FRG Project No. 2002-22

Development of Grow Out Techniques Utilizing the Water Column in Growing a Non Native Oyster (crassostrea arikensis), by Andy Drewer, FRG Project No. 2002-07

Growing Oysters in Suspended Bags Using Ropes, Anchors and Bouys, by Curtis B. Jenkins, FRG Project No. 2002-02

By-catch and Discard Reduction Concerning Selectivity and Overall Design in the Black Sea Bass Trap Fishery, by James Dawson, FRG Project No. 2002-01

2001 Reports

Marketing Virginia Croaker, by O’Bier Seafood, FRG Project No. 2001-14, December 2005

Report on a Live Flounder Holding Project on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, by Wec Terry, FRG Project No. 2001-13, March 2004

Testing a New Approach for Floating Cultivation of Oysters on the Seaside, by Accomac Aqua-Farms, FRG Project No. 2001-12

Application of High Pressure Processing to Virginia’s Oyster Industry, by Cowart Seafood, FRG Project No. 2001-04

2000 Reports

Scallop Trawl Improvement Program, by Timothy B. Daniels, FRG Project No. 2000-15

Comparative Study of Four Popular Grow Out Methods, by Jack White, FRG Project No. 2000-08

Efficiency of Haul-Seine Cull Panels:  A Comparison of Size Selectivity and Relative Release (second season), by Christian H. Hager, FRG Project No. 2000-06

Control of Mud Blister Formation in Oysters, by Dennis K. Gryder, FRG Project No. 2000-05

Raising Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) Commercially for Sale as Live Bait in the Commonwealth of Virginia, by Ward Oyster Company, FRG Project No. 2000-03

1999 Reports

Comparative Study of  Seed from Northern and Southern Hatcheries, by Joshua Merritt, FRG Project No. 1999-37

Artificial Reef Grow-Out, by Accomac Aqua-Farms, FRG Project No. 1999-34

Hard Clam Grow-out Using Fenced-In System vs. Traditional Nets, by Linda Crewe, FRG Project No. 1999-30, March 2001

Development of a Live Fish Market Through the Use of a New Live Holding Gear That Will Reduce Fish Mortality, by Warren M. Cosby, FRG Project No. 1999-29, November 2001

Feasibility Study for Machine Processing Croakers into Fillets and for Forming the Fillets into Larger Portions, by Wanchese Fish Company, FRG Project No. 1999-24, September 2001

Comparative Growth Rates of Four Strains of the American Oyster Using Two Grow-Out Methods, by Thomas Leggett, FRG Project No. 1999-23

Comparing Oyster Seed Growth Rates Using a Floating Upweller System (“FLUPSY”) vs. Traditional Taylor Floats, by Jeff Gardner, FRG Project No. 1999-20

Efficiency of Haul-Seine Cull Panels A Comparison of Size Selectivity and Relative Release, by Christian Hager, FRG Project No. 1999-14

Growing Soft Clams (Mya arenaria) Commercially in the Commonwealth of Virginia, by Ward Oyster Company, Inc., FRG Project No. 1999-12

Enhancement of Seed Oyster Recovery and Redeployment Project, by William Mangann, FRG Project No. 1999-07

Peeler Pot Cull Ring Data, by Bradley M. Knight, FRG Project No. 1999-02